
Pull Up Ladder to 9

5 sets
DB Arnold Press- 20/25/30/35/40 x 12
Hex Bar Dead & Shrug- 60,110/150/170/190 x 5/10ea
Decline Sit Up- x 15

DB Clean & Press- 35s x 21
DB Thrusters- 35s x 15

2 sets 65lb Farmer’s Carry for 1min. 1min Deadhang. 10 easy minutes on treadmill

Quick PT before heading to State wrestling tournament
-11 minutes continuously rotating between 45# plate overhead carries, 50# KB suitcase carries/Farmers walks, and standing alternating rope pulls 4/5 resistance
-19 minutes rower intervals, 2 minutes @ > 100 watts, 1 minute @ 220-300 watts

@park on lunch break;
-30 minutes walk up outdoor stairs, then trail to top of hill and back down (250' elevation gain)