
Pull Up Ladder to 9

5 sets
DB Arnold Press- 20/25/30/35/40 x 12
Hex Bar Dead & Shrug- 60,110/150/170/190 x 5/10ea
Decline Sit Up- x 15

DB Clean & Press- 35s x 21
DB Thrusters- 35s x 15

2 sets 65lb Farmer’s Carry for 1min. 1min Deadhang. 10 easy minutes on treadmill

Quick PT before heading to State wrestling tournament
An absolute beautiful day yesterday (actually this whole week), with temperatures in the low 20’s and all sun. It feels like spring is coming early this year! Probably just jinxed us. Anyway, just over 8 miles and 4,000’ of elevation gain.


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-11 minutes continuously rotating between 45# plate overhead carries, 50# KB suitcase carries/Farmers walks, and standing alternating rope pulls 4/5 resistance
-19 minutes rower intervals, 2 minutes @ > 100 watts, 1 minute @ 220-300 watts

@park on lunch break;
-30 minutes walk up outdoor stairs, then trail to top of hill and back down (250' elevation gain)