
3 rounds:
Single KB Thrusters
5(20kg)/3(24kg)/1(32kg) rest 30 seconds 1(32kg)/3(24kg)/5(20kg) rest 30 seconds

3 rounds:
10R KB rows (24kg)
Farmers walk (24kg R/32kg L) x50 ft
10L KB rows (24kg)
Farmers walk (32kg R/24kg L) x50 ft
10 KB swings (32kg)

…then probably a shorter walk with Chuck than I care for later this afternoon
Finished up week 1 of the second cycle of Wendler. Added 5 lbs, but it's still pretty light since it starts you off so light to begin with. But I like it, and I'm just really focusing on the last set like he stresses. Throwing in lots of different assistance exercises to keep it interesting and putting in some miles every morning two. Lots of stretching and 2 miles with the dogs today..