
5 miles (500') this morning with Tiny Elvis; I think he found the same rabbit's leg, but this time over a mile from where I made him drop it—thinking another dog packed it for awhile :ROFLMAO:

strength train this afternoon

5 rds, 1 minute rest between rds
deadlifts x 5 @ 70%
overhead press x 5 @70%
chin-ups x 12
Wife and I went looking mule deer. Nothing but dinks and does. 7.5mi and 2300vert. Hiked/glassed slow and steady all day and left enough time to bang a gong at 500 with my new setup. Highlight of the day was cooking the elk thuringer and cheese roll sandwiches my wife made on a fire for a mid-afternoon lunch.

Pics from yesterday...

About 5-6” of fresh snow on the mountain I’m hunting, so my hopes were high. Despite good conditions, still no elk for me.

I have to say it’s easily the most folks I’ve ever seen in this area, I guess the reason I hunt midweek :D

Anywho 10 miles and a lot of climbing, combined with the 1/2 foot of snow made for a pretty tough day.
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets) of:
2 Clean Lift-Offs + Power Clean
*Lift-Off - From the ground to top of the knee

Immediately followed by…

Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets) of:
Clean x 1 rep

Against a 3-minute running clock…
Row 500m
Max Reps of Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

Rest 3 minutes and repeat for a total of THREE sets.
My morning yesterday got wrecked so I couldn’t get hiking until about 1000. I climbed 2500vert, contoured through to another ridge and went a little over 5mi. It was productive though despite the late start and pounding rain/snow. I passed on 3 WT, 1 was a decent buck. Watched a spike, forked horn and 8 cows long enough to decide there were no legal bulls. Then I heard, but barely missed, seeing a fisher. Excellent tracks in the wet snow.

Did an hour in the gym this morning and will try a similar timeframe hunt today…
Full stretch and warm up
5 sets of 5 Pull Ups

4 sets
Squat/Calf Raise- 45/95/135/185 x 10
Deep squats on toes the entire time x 10
Pull Up- x 10/11/12/13
TRX Mtn Climber/Knee 2 Chest- x 12ea

4 sets
Bench- 45/95/135/185 x 20/20/30/10
Preacher Curl- 45/50/55/60 x 10
Push Up- 15/16/17/18
Decline Sit Up- x 12
1-arm Deadhangs
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12 minute alternating EMOM:
Odds: 2 tempo back squats @ 70%+ (5 seconds down, explosive out of the bottom)
Evens: 1 pause back squat (5 second pause in the bottom of the squat)

For time:
-30 cal ski
-30 russian KB swings (60#)
-15 goblet squats
-10 burpees with a jump onto a 45# plate
-2 minute rest
-30 cal C2 bike
-30 russian KB swings
-15 goblet squats
-10 burpees with a jump onto a 45# plate