
Run 1 mile
100 push ups/air squats
Run 1 mile

Today, seeing some of these named workouts in this thread that I haven’t done in probably 10 years…… ‘cindy’ was always in my wheelhouse. PR was 31. Today was 25. Pretty good in that I didnt remembering the pacing all that well.

Think the pace used to be 2 rounds in odd minutes, 1 round in even minutes.

17 days till September.
2 miles yesterday at the Seattle airport, 2 today—you're wondering why two days at the Seattle airport? Our flight got cancelled yesterday evening with no more flights to Montana, so had to spend the night and start over this morning—yeah I hate flying.
Ha! I hear you. Words can’t describe how much I hate flying commercial. I’ll fly a 1000 hours of high, hot and heavy of rotor wing with the doors off vs. an hour of commercial airline.

You’ll be pleased with the MT weather now. I got home Thursday and the seasons have changed. No more 106. The aftermath of the 100mph wind event in Missoula is crazy though.
6.1 mile, 550' trail run through the Ozarks this morning. 2 weeks from today the truck will be pointed toward CO to chase mulies. Can't wait!


Y’all are having more fun than I have been. Moved daughter into college on Tuesday
Showed home on Wednesday and went under contract Wednesday night.
I’ll have to pivot on Colorado archery elk and go second rifle if lucky. Closing supposed to be 9/27 so will be moving lots of stuff into storage in the meantime.

Push no rest hr 140 target maintained
Pre stretch on fly machine 20/18/15
High incline db 9/7/10/10 90/90/80/70 3 sec eccentric
Flat db 15/15/12 60s

Super sets
Pull ups 10/9/8/8
Hammers 13/12/12/12

Dips 20/15/15
Single arm skull crush 16/13/11/11

Static lateral db holds 1:00 3x 20s
Db shrugs 75s