
Yesterday I hiked our short and steep, 700vert PT hike with 35lbs

Today I hiked 1400vert in just over a couple miles with 35lbs, followed with a lift.
Warmed up with 5 sets of 5 pull ups

5 sets, no rest
Close Grip Bench- 45/95/135/185/195 x 20/20/20/8/8
Pull Up- x 6/7/8/9/10
Squat/Calf Raise- 45/95/135/185/225 x 10
Fisio Sit Up- x 12

3 sets, no rest, with 20lb vest
Dead- 155 x 6
Dip- 25lb DB x 10
Pull Up- x 10

Deadhang with vest for 1:20
This weekend we got to spend a little time with our oldest son for the first time in a few months. He is filling out… blessed with the perfect mountain build too.
5 minutes at each station for max reps with a partner, each partner does one full round while the other rests

1) 5 cal row + 6 push-ups + 7 slam balls
2) 5 cal ski + 6 alternating DB snatches + 7 burpees
3) 5 cal echo bike + 6 box jump overs 24" + 7 KB goblet squats
4) 5 cal assault runner + 6 strict pull-ups + 7 sit ups

Also helped my son move that afternoon, 3rd floor apartment of course

12 minutes to establish a heavy 1-rep back squat

12 minute AMRAP:
-7 toes to bar
-7 power snatches 75#
-7 overhead squats
-400m run