
Been out of pocket for a few weeks and haven’t posted in about 10 pages. Everyone has been staying busy. I’ve been able to keep a schedule of 10min of stretch/mobility/warm up and a 20-25min dumbbell circuit most days. I haven’t had a day off since the 3rd week of June. Got home last night, had 4 beers, slept 11hrs. Now I’m off for 3 days.

This morning the wife and I hiked our 700vert hill with 35lbs

Then a 5 set circuit
Close Grip Bench- x 10
Deadlift- x 10
Pull Up-x 10
Decline Sit Up- x 12

Farmer’s Carry- 60lb DB x 1min

Oh… we didn’t draw MT antelope either
@InkedElkSlayer welcome back! (I did draw antelope, but a pretty easy one to draw).

10 miles (2200’) with my wife and youngest daughter.

GoRuck workout yesterday (slighly modified).

1 Mile Ruck
25 Sandbag Burpees
1 Mile Ruck
25 Sandbag Thrusters
1 Mile Ruck
25 Sandbag Deadlifts
1 Mile Ruck
25 Sandbag Clean and Press

45lb Ruck, 55lb Bag

1:02:06 total time
12:48 average average moving pace
700vert PT hike with 35lbs on another cool, overcast day for August. Then a quick lift. Did everything with my 20lb body armor vest on.

Pull Up Ladder to 7

4 sets, no rest
Squats/Calf Raise- 45/95/135/155 x 10
Plyos (jump squats/scissor lunge/box jump) x 5ea
Pull Up- x 8/9/10/11
Decline Sit Up- x 15

Haven’t used a barbell in several weeks, easing back into it
I’ve been out for the last week. Y’all are still getting after it. Transitioning moving to farm and moving kids. Still getting in workouts just haven’t posted.
Moving daughter to college Tuesday
Keep inspiring others.

Today legs
No rest
Deads 135/225/275/325 12/10/8/5
Kettleball squats 55/65/75 15/15/12
Leg exts/curls 16/14/12/12
Calf press 20/18/15/15