
Another cool day- lows near zero, high around 20- not sure I believe the weatherman, but mid 30's tomorrow. Tiny Elvis got out for 6 miles (1000') this afternoon.

6.5mi and 2500vert.
Yesterday was beautiful, today was snowing the entire day.
I offloaded my snowshoes, 15s and tripod, but I miraculously found 2 horns. 1 mulie and 1 WT. I also found a match set of a decent mulie… still attached. I watched him for about an hour and they just wouldn’t fall off. Good day despite the weather.
See if you can find the horn…
Ended up with a cold last week and took the week off from the gym. Finally made it back yesterday for the 1st time in almost a week.

18 minute AMRAP with a partner
-12 pull-ups
-12 single arm DB snatches alternating (50#)
-12 wall balls (20#)
-400m run together, one partner carries the wall ball

Every 2 miuntes for 6 rounds:
-5 deadlifts + 3 hang power cleans + 2 squat cleans
(Build from 50% of 1RM squat clean)

8 Minute AMRAP:
-10 thrusters @ 115#
-20 box jumps 24#
-30 pull-ups
-40 double-unders
Pull Up Ladder to 10

4 warm up sets, no rest
Squat/Calf Raise- 45/95/135/185 x 10
Bench- 45/95/135/185 x 10
Preacher- 35/45/55/65 x 10
Push Up- x 20
Chin Up- x 7
70sec Treadmill Run- 7.0 at 2/3/4/5%

2 sets 10 Side to Side Plyo Push Ups on med ball

Bench- singles from 205-255

4 sets, no rest. Went lighter/quicker
Squat- 175 x 10
Bench- 175 x 10
DB Curl- 30s x 10
TRX Push Ups- x 10
70sec Treadmill Run- 7.0 at 6/7/8/9%
For those of you near 50 y/o what is a good squat? I injured my knee and had a minor meniscal repair 04/2023. Started lifting in October. Prior to that I relied heavily on road biking for leg strength. With the injury/surgery/recovery I want to focus on strength as well. I started doing squats at 133 lbs 3 x 10. Now up to 165lbs 3x10 with one power day per week up to 270 lbs. I know everyone is different but I have no clue if this is decent. My goal is to increase 2-3% per month regarding max. I also do hamstrings, lunges, adductors, abductors, hip flexors and extensions, Kettlebell Sumo Squats. I have a 20 inch step and I do 2 sets of 20 with slow step up and down. In October I had to cut my hunt short b/c descending caused a lot of knee pressure. So far 100% pain free but I haven't tested on steep descents yet.

I'm 67-68 inches tall and 170 lbs.

If this is not the correct area to post I can post elsewhere. But I figured with so many exercise enthusiast this would be a good place to start. Thanks!
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