
6 miles (1200') on snow packed trails with my wife and Tiny Elvis

We're visiting relatives in Siberia


@sjwfarms happy birthday!! Chest shoulders and tris today for me.
4 sets 12/12/10/10 bench press
3 sets of 10 DB incline bench
4 sets of 12 DB lat raise
4 sets of dips to failure
3 sets of 10 skullcrushers
4 sets of 10 DB shrugs
4 sets of 12 tri press downs

My son is coming in today, and we'll camp and hunt this weekend. He doesn't get to hunt that much these days with young kids and working, so I'm excited. Hopefully he will shoot something!!
Backyard pre-dawn:

Sled drags (ice fishing sled loaded w/firewood): 8 x 90 yards
One-handed farmer's carries w/premixed drywall mud bucket: 2 x 90 yards each side
Two-handed farmer's carries: 2 x 90 yards

Dry practiced w/muzzleloader during brief rest periods. TN muzzy deer opener tomorrow!

Foam rolled IT bands and 15 min yoga while helping my son get ready for school
Walked the rifle for 8 miles (1600’). Saw a cow elk right at first light, 75 yards and grazing. Backed out a bit, dumped my pack and low crawled back to where I could see her. My expectation was there were more to follow and hopefully a raghorn bull tagging along with the group. Turned out she was a loner- I waited 45 minutes on belly to find that out. Last year I had a B tag that I could take a cow on, didn’t draw it this year :(. On a higher note, while waiting I got a good sunrise shot :D

Four sets of:
Tricep Extensions x 20 reps @ 10X0
immediately followed by…
DB Romanian Deadlift x 6 reps on each side @ 4011
immediately followed by…
Box Jump x 6 reps
(jump as high and land as soft as possible; then step down)
Rest 2 minutes

For Time:
Run 1200m.
50 Toes to Bar
30 Dumbbell Box Step-Overs (20″ box or lower) w/ 2- 50# DB’s
Climbed 3800vert on a 9.5mi walk through. I was guided by my oldest son. It’s a spot where we’re looking for elk, then we get into mulie country, then we come down through the sheep country. We saw a black bear, a couple small bucks and does. Good thing was, that it rained 95% of the day with wind and fog. After living in N Central ID for a stint… I F-cking hate hunting in the rain.
Long day elk hunting. We got into some elk, our play on them didn't work out. Going back tomorrow- alarm set for 3:00 AM- that sucks :)
13 miles (1900')- tough weather, cold rain and lots of wind- sounds like it might be snow tomorrow, we'll see.

Another nice sunrise and a much needed fire for lunch.

