
1-1-1-1-1 press

2-2-2-2-2 push press

3-3-3-3-3 push jerk


3 sets of:

squat clean+power clean+jerk


EMOM for 8 minutes:

power clean+front squat+jerk

rest 2 minutes

EMOM for 8 minutes:

power clean+jerk

rest 2 minutes

EMOM for 8 minutes:

squat clean
a balmy 2 degrees for our high today so........... no trail running, instead 5.5 miles of "hills" on the treadmill
Partner WOD
Both have to do all the double unders, everything else is split and one works at a time

100 double unders
90 cal row
80 double unders
70 cal assault bike
60 double unders
50 GHD situps
40 double unders
30 strict pull ups
20 double unders
10 over the box burpees 30'
Front Squat
11-7-5-3-5-7-11, rest 90 secs between sets. The second 5-7-11 should be heavier than the first.

Every 4 min for 20 min, if you don't finish in 4 mins just start into next round
50 KBS 70#
10 Wall balls 20#

40 KBS
20 Wall Balls

30 KBS
30 Wall Balls

40 Wall Balls

10 KBS
50 Wall Balls
I run up and down snowy/icy mountains without incident, go to get the mail yesterday- slip on ice and land on my back (hard!)- hit my tail bone and head, but the brunt was on my right shoulder- now I can barely lift my right arm :(

was able to get 5 miles in on the treadmill last night, but it's going to be a bit before I can push any weights
begin with a 4 minute clock:

15 t2b

12 burpees

9 deadlifts 135/95

if completed before the 4 minutes, add 4 more minutes and complete:

15 t2b

12 burpees

9 deadlifts 185/125

if completed before the 4 minutes, add 4 more minutes and complete:

15 t2b

12 burpees

9 deadlifts 225/155

... continue on in this fashion until you cannot complete the work in the 4 minutes

men: 135-185-225-275-315-335-355

women: 95-125-155-185-205-225-245
boy our weathermen suck! supposed to be in the mid to upper teens today, so figured I'd get a trail run in finally- at noon it was -6- WTF?

8 miles on the dreadmill

tomorrow it's supposed to be in the mid 20's which translates into we might get above 0
really tough snowshoe run- 12 miles with quite a bit of vert and some deep snow

Work to a Heavy Power Clean and Push Jerk in 10 Minutes

Pull Up
Calorie Bike
Straight into
Shoulder to Overhead (115#)
Jumping Lunges
10 min EMOM
10 squats at 50% of 1 rep max
10 strict handstand pushups

Alternate every minute

Power Elizabeth
Power clean 135#
Ring dips
5.5 miles on the trails in a little snowstorm, temps in the 20's felt like 60's :) another arctic front moving in today, if the temps are decent I'll get another 5-ish on the trails, if not the treadmill
"Good Vibrations"
For Max Reps - 5 rounds
1:00 Calorie Row
1:00 Power Clean @ 135#
1:00 Bar facing Burpees
1:00 Rest

Cash Out
3x8 Strict TTB
3X20 Russian Twist
7 hanging squat cleans 1 jerk
6 hanging squat cleans 2 jerk
5 hanging squat cleans 3 jerk
4 hanging squat cleans 4 jerk
3 hanging squat cleans 5 jerk
2 hanging squat cleans 6 jerk
1 hanging squat clean 7 jerk
Can't put the bar down until done. Choose your weights

Double unders
Sit ups
brought all my running clothes with me to work, but the gods are conspiring against me- 5 degrees w/ about 10-12 mph wind made my decision pretty easy

little over 5 miles of "hills" on the treadmill, the next couple of days look worse yet :(

AMRAP in 20 minutes of:

5 pull ups

10 push ups

15 air squats


3 sets of:

snatch+hang snatch+3 ohs


EMOM for 10 minutes:

power snatch+2 ohs

rest 2 minutes, then

EMOM for 10 minutes:

snatch+hang snatch+3 ohs