
"Line Change"
4 Rounds 3:00on/1:00rest
20 Calorie Row Buy in
Then AMRAP in remaining time
6 Box Step ups (20" with 55#kettle Bell)
9 KB Swings, same weight
12 Abmat Situps

Finish off with Shoulder Care
SuperSet x 3
:30 Supinated Bar Hang
15 Barbell Shoulder Press (Empty Bar)
Open Workout 13.1

AMRAP in 17 minutes of:

40 burpees

30 snatch 75/45

30 burpees

30 snatch 135/75

20 burpees

30 snatch 165/100

10 burpees

AMRAP snatch 210/120 in time remaining

-the burpee is to an object 6 inches above your reach
14 min AMRAP
7 muscle ups
50 wall balls
100 double unders

Cash Out 2 rounds
20 GHD sit ups
20 hollow rocks
20 heel touches
20 wall ball sit ups
20 back hyperextensions
another single digit day in a string of single digit days that just keeps going and going and going

5.5 miles on the treadmill
another single digit day in a string of single digit days that just keeps going and going and going

5.5 miles on the treadmill

Same weather pattern we have been on for over a month. Many days it hasn't even been above zero. Supposed to break today and be nice the rest of the week here then back to cold and snow. Hope you get a little break as well.
thanks! definitely getting a little old; we were supposed to break (yet again) today, but at -9 this morning and still -5 at 10:30 not very likely :(
well I said screw it and ran outside today (got up to a balmy 9)- getting sick of the treadmill; very tough 7-ish miles- I didn't bring my running snowshoes and should have

will bring them tomorrow
we only warmed to 11, but I had the day off so made the most of it- 12 miles on snowshoes

Back squat
4x3 with 2 second pause at bottom (70% 1rm)

15minute amrap
30 wallball (20#)
20 power snatch (75#)
5 ring or bar muscle ups (i modified with chest to bars and a couple muscle up attempts....still havent nailed down the form:()
Open Workout 14.4

As far as possible in 14 minutes of:

60 calorie row

50 t2b

40 wall balls 20/14

30 power cleans 135/95

20 muscle ups ( C2b )
Back squat 5 reps at 85% of max every two min for 10 min

Patner "Jack"
10 push press #115
10 KBS 53#
10 box jumps 24"
Must alternate exercises
"death by 10 meters"

run 10 meters the first minute

run 20 meters the second minute

run 30 meters the third minute

...etc until you cannot complete the required distance

in that minute


5 sets of:

power clean+hang squat clean+front squat+jerk

3 sets of:

hang squat clean+front squat+jerk


1 power clean+hang squat clean+ 4 front squats+5 jerks

1 power clean+2 hang squat cleans+3 front squats+4 jerks

1 power clean+3 hang squat clean+2 front squats+3 jerks

1 power clean+5 hang squat cleans+1 front squat+2 jerks

1 power clean+hang squat clean+jerk
had a wonderful run yesterday evening- upper 20's felt extremely balmy! 5.5 miles- the trails were packed pretty decently, but had to post hole about 1/2 mile through nearly 2 feet of snow to complete my loop- that slowed me down!

been "testing out" the shoulder at work on the little weight machine- very low weight, high reps- it's definitely better than it was two weeks ago, but it's sloooooow healing

going to try and get a run in after work today, supposed to be near freezing again