Spin bike intervals today for low impact active recovery.
9x 3min sprints, 1 min rest between rounds.
9x 3min sprints, 1 min rest between rounds.
It’s definitely hard. I work 10’s and have a 2 year old at home. If I don’t get up at 4 everyday there’s no way I can do it. Workouts at home on the weekends are hit or miss and revolve around nap times. it’s tough to do.Some impressive WOD's posted.
Working 10 hour days and young kids all i can manage is the 9 mile commute to work.
My morning workout seems to be the only time I get to myself each day, besides my commute to work. I told my wife if I didn’t do it everyday I’d be a grumpy SOB. The embarrassing part is I’m usually asleep by 8:30p…My alarm goes off at 4 am also. Makes for a long day but I also sleep really good every night. I couldn't keep a consistent work out schedule in the evening. But at 4 am there is no one up bothering me.