Lapua brass case head extreme stretch after 1 firing


Jul 30, 2020
I bought 100 Lapua 6.5 Creedmoor LRP brass from another forum to reload. It came as 70 once fired/30 new.

When I went to resize the 70 once fired brass today, I had multiple pieces get stuck in the FL die around 70-80% inserted. When I went to measure the width of the body of the brass, I found that the section of the body near the case head were consistently .005 to .008 over the the book spec of .470. Which explains why I cant even get the brass through the FL die.

My question is what would cause this type of case stretch? Has anyone seen this before with brass fired in rifles with loose chambers for lack of a better word?

I measured my other cases with multiple firings and found them to be very consistent with .470. The new Lapua brass all measured correctly as well.