
Went real light today. I won’t be lifting anything that puts stress on my elbow for a while.

6 sets, for time: (24min flat)
OH Press- 95 x 5
Barbell Dead/Shrug- 95 x 5ea
OH Fisio Sit Up- x 15
DB Dead/Shrug- 45s x 5ea
.25mi run at 7% incline

After last set, went straight to 1mi walk at 12%

680vert hike with 35lbs mid-day. Almost all the snow is off the South facing mountain
Legs this a.m.
4 warm up sets
Squats/Calf Raise-45/95/135/185 x 20/20/20/10
Plyos- x 5ea

2 sets plyos, 5ea
36in box jump
15lbs snatch to scissor lunge
35lbs front jump squats

Squats- 3 rep sets from 225 up to 385
Bench Squats (1min rest)- 285 x 21/15/9

3 sets, back to back, no rest, slow tempo
Front Squat- 135 x 5
Barbell Lunges- 135 x 5ea

I won’t lie. At rep 8 on the squats I had completely talked myself into 15/12/9. It took everything I had to drop in and get the 21. The ol’ posterior chain was fried for my little front squat/lunge combo.
If I can fit it in, I’ll do a short hike in the p.m.
Out for a few days chasing late season whitetails with daughter. Few more weeks left to fill freezer.
Wednesday squeezed in push workout no rest

db incline 20/15/12/15 70-45#
Barbell dip press 4x failure
Seated flys 20/20/15/15

lateral raises 20/15/15/15 15-20#
db shrugs 4x15-20 75-90#

Close grip press 15/12/10/10 155-185#
Preacher pushdowns 12/10/10/10
Rev grip pushdown 18/15/15/15
5 miles with my wife, daughter and Tiny E- daughter flies back to Chicago tomorrow, was a lot of fun having her here for the holidays

My youngest son filled his youth elk tag this morning, so I got to do some elk packing today. It was a great way to close out the year! It wasn’t super far but it was typical coast range steep.

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Awesome. I could type more, but it doesn’t matter. Both my boys have their own streaks going and it’s my passion to watch them kill elk. Just simply awesome man.