Got out in the woods yesterday. Can’t say we hiked too much, but we did locate the bull moose track I was hoping to find. Around February, we’ll start looking for his paddles.
This morning, Chest/Bis
4 sets, no rest
Bench-45/95/135/185 x 20/20/20/10
Barbell Curl- 45/45/55/65 x 15/15/12/12
Push Up- x 20
DB Curl- 15/20/25/30x 12
2 sets Plyos
Plyo Push up- x 5ea side
Barbell Power Curl- 45 x 6
Bench- singles from 195 to 245
3 sets, no rest
Bench- 200/205/210 x 6
Preacher Curl-65 x 12
3 drop sets, no rest
DB Bench- 75s/60s/55s x 11/7/8
Barbell Reverse Curl- no go, re-aggravated my elbow
1mi run on the treadmill at 6%
Will PT hike through the slushy snow after I eat. Rough start to the 2023 lifting season, been nursing a few bumps and bruises for a while