
Soooo- yesterday I discovered I had a leak in a water bottle that was in my main pack bag, consequently wetted out my windshirt. When I stopped for lunch I hung it in a tree to help dry it out. Last night at 3:30 AM I woke and thought I didn't grab that damn jacket, checked the pack in the garage- sure enough, it's still up on the mountain!

Told my wife I'm heading back up there (a little shorter and easier going snow wise w/o the loop). She said she'd go, Tiny Elvis as well. We snowshoed in to the meadows (about 3 miles in) and I built a fire and told my wife to wait, no sense in here climbing the steep ridge only to have to turn around. Sure enough it was still hanging in the tree- a day and 8 miles later :D


8 Minute EMOM:
-4 push press @ 75#

21 minutes for max reps:
1 minute shuttle runs 30'
1 minute devils press 2 x 50# DB
1 minute ab mat sit-ups
1 minute rest
2 minutes shuttle runs 30'
2 minutes devils press 2 x 35# DB
2 minutes ab mat sit-ups
2 minutes rest
3 minutes shuttle runs 30'
3 minutes devils press 2 x 35# DB
3 minutes ab mat sit-ups
strength train

dead lifts 3/3/3+/amrap @ 70/80/90/70%
overhead press 3/3/3+/amrap @ 70/80/90/70%
mtn lunges 3x10
chin-ups 25-20-20

Funny the folks you see at the gym- second time I've seen they guy, both times he was there before me- leaving at about the same time- he alternates between standing curls w/ a curl bar and incline setups w/ a couple of steps underneath to make it higher yet- I'm guessing around 10 sets of each (hard telling how many prior to my arrival). This is the same routine he did last time I saw him :)
5 sets straight through
1 DB Step Up ea side/3 Burpee Push Ups x 10 with 10s/15s/20s/25s/30s
50 step ups ea side & 150 push ups

Squats/Calf Raise- 45/95/135/185/225/225 x 15/15/15/10/5/5

3 sets, back to back no rest
Front Squat- 135 x 5
Barbell Lunge- 135 x 5

Over the last 9 months or so, after several recent appointments with the chiropractor and some dry needling, and after a few nagging injuries; I’ve come to terms that I need to adjust my approach to PT.
I seem to be getting a year older each time I get a new calendar… I’m not going to go as heavy and I’m going to decrease my volume (especially on my extended squat sets). I’ll still lift plenty, but I’ll increase my circuit-style training. I’ve always done a lot of flexibility and mobility training, that will continue and/or increase as well.
Stretch, mobility and some warm up sets.

10 set circuit. No rest. Intent is to work for 1hr
Dead- 175 x10
Dip- 25lbs x 10
Fisio Sit Up- x 15
Narrow grip hanging bar pull up- x 6
.25mi treadmill run at 7.5 and 7%

After last quarter mile went straight to a 12% walk for the remainder of the hour.
I’ll be sitting in the bleachers most of today and tomorrow for a wrestling tournament.
A)10 minutes to work to a heavy set of: 1 Full squat snatch + 1 snatch balance + 1 overhead squat

B) Every 30 seconds for 10 rounds: 1 full squat snatch at 90% of part A

C) 5 minute AMRAP:
-5 burpees over the bar
-5 power snatches @ 95#

D) 5 minute max cals echo bike
-5 minute rest-
2 minute max cals echo bike
Reverse hypers warm up 3x25
Deadlift drop set 20/15/15 245-135#
Incline db low row 25/20/15/10 35-55#
T bar pull up 18/16/15/12
bb shrugs 25/15/12/12 135-275#
Seated rear flys 18/15/15/15
Incline db curls 20/20/18/15
Incline hang hammers 18/15/15/12 30#

Bunch of new faces in our gym. We are placing bets on how quick it will diminish and go back to the same old crew. Everybody is doing upper body and biceps.