Been fighting the crud this week. Tried to get a referral through my PCM so Tricare would cover a doctor visit while I’m on leave…got told my symptoms weren’t severe enough and “it’s viral, there’s nothing anyone can do”. That’s what they told me two years ago when I got sick and then developed pneumonia which went un(mis)diagnosed for almost two weeks. Luckily, I have family that are healthcare professionals and they may or may not have given me the meds that have me on the mend.
Haven’t worked out for a couple days but I did feel good enough yesterday to work with my dad in the shop. We processed four pigs, made 60 pounds of sausage, processed two deer into cube steaks/cutlets and sausage. I’d say it was a workout, took us about 14 hours from start to finish. Had a glass of scotch and took some NyQuil last night and slept for almost 12 hours.