
Late season archery hunt here in CA starts for me this Saturday , ill have 2 weeks to hunt.


MIN 1 - :45 Cardio Choice
MIN 2 - :45 Russian KB Swings (Your Choice, Heavy)
MIN 3 - :45 DBL KB Deadlifts
MIN 4 - :45 Wall Walks
MIN 5 - :45 DBL KB Hold

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Yesterday: 4mi, 1800vert and packed a mulie out. I’m not sure if it’s the buck I’ve been trying to find, but both my boys think so. It has some similarities to the big non-typ shed I found, but there are some differences too. Either way, he’s a big old clubby bastard that’s missing some teeth. I wasn’t about to not shoot.

Today:Warmed up real well and did 4 set circuit, no rest
Squat/Calf Raise- 45/95/135/185 x 10
Dead- Same
Bench- Same
Hanging Pull Up- x 10

Heading out this afternoon for 3 days of looking for a bull with my oldest


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^ nice mtn muley- congrats! :)

strength trained earlier

squats 5/5/5+/amrap @ 65/75/85/65% of 1RM
bench 5/5/5+/amrap @ 65/75/85/65% of 1RM
pullups 20/19/17
dips 2x30

then, snowshoed 5 miles with Tiny Elvis, a balmy 12 degrees :D TE is the spec in the middle of the pic

Quick little workout today...only had an hour and did it with the toddler stealing my abmat...lol. The little guy changes working out for sure. He loves to do a BB bench press. I always find the few minutes it takes to do it for him. My Dad never did a training and I learnt late from my uncle as a teenager. I am excited that he is interested at 3. Hopefully, he will still be interested in a few years. Anyways, love to hear how everyone is working out.

4 sets
90 sec row, 30 sec rest, increasing pace each set

Supersets of 4x10
Barbell Bench/DB Row
BB Row/Incline Push ups
DB Flys/Pull ups
Incline flys/Bent over flys

EMOM for 10 min
2 Rounds
Assault bike
Air squats
KB Swings 40#

Hiked 8.5 miles yesterday looking for fall turkeys before I found them and broke up the flock (shooting three shells in the process.) Then I called them back in and missed with the last of my three shells at a rate of one shot every half hour. After a few minutes of cursing, I hiked 1.5 miles back to the truck. My consolation prize was a decent four point shed I found on the way out. 10 miles (and zero turkeys) for the day.

7 miles today.