
No hunting today. Stretched and warmed up good.
5 sets, no rest
Squats/Calf Raise-45/95/135/185/225 x 15
Plyos (jump squats/scissor lunge/24in box jump)- x 5ea
Hanging toes 2 bar- x 8

5 sets, no rest
Hanging Barbell Clean & Press- 45/85/105/115/125 x 12/10/8/6/6
Shrug- same
Hack Squat- 95/135/175/185/195 x 8
Decline sit up- x 10

Now I have to put away an entire elk camp back where it goes in the shop and cut up 4 blades. Wx looks NOT good for hunting the next couple days. Guess that’s why we spent all that $ on Kuiu gear?
1 mile with the kids last night.

2 miles today.

I shot my first archery buck in about 10 years. He was covered in ticks, so I used the gutless method and left all the hide in the field. 100 yard pack out wasn't too bad!
View attachment 471367
View attachment 471368
Congrats on your bow buck @sargent

Down here in Ga the mature bucks aren't moving much because of the heat. Back in shorts now.
Left this morning just before 5 to go elk hunting, drove about two miles and while it wasn't quite a whiteout snow storm, it was close. As I had to go over the Continental Divide, decided it wasn't worth it.

Went to the gym- 3 miles on the dreadmill alternating between level and the highest incline every other 1/10th; then strength trained

5 rounds, minute rest between rounds

deadlifts 5 reps @ 70% of 1RM
overhead press 5 reps @ 70% of 1RM
chin-ups 10 reps
Got after it on Monday

Took daughter hunting this morning- no school. Enjoyed our time together 67 this morning, got up to 82 by the time we walked out. Keeping the bucks from seeking until after dark. The mature bucks are locked down here.
Cold snap coming Friday

Hit back/ biceps this afternoon
Compound set
Barbell bent over row/single arm cable row
20/12/10/15 x 4

Low cable row 18/12/12/15

Preacher curls 4x12-15
Incline db 4x15-20
Standing cable curl 3x15-20