
Hypertrophy push

Pre exhaust cable flys 2x30
Standing single arm barbell press 20/15/10/10/8 45-85#
Seated cable flys strict 4x15-20
Dips 2x15

db lateral raises 18/15/15/12 15-25#
db shrugs 4x15 80#

db skull crush 3x15
Rev close grip press smith machine 15/12/10/8 135-205#
Preacher skull crush 1/2 movement 3x15
Last workout before leaving for CO on Thursday!!

Squat 5,3,1
Bench 5,3,1
Pullups 2x8

Rushed home to finish last batch of pemmican and last minute packing. I also experimented with dehydrated beef liver jerky and im not so sure if ive ever has such an unpleased palate.

Gotta mow grass tomorrow, then heading west on thursday after work. 22 hour drive for me
Tuesday Circuit no rest

Pre exhaust front pulldown 2x25

Front grip pulldown slow 18/15/15/10
Bent over barbell row 20/15/12/10/8
Bent over cable rows 20/15/10/10
Rev hypers 4xfailure

Seated cable rear flys 18/15/15/12

Barbell curls 25/20/15/15 45-65
Hammers 20/15/15/12 25-35
Upright cable curl 2x18
Last workout before leaving for CO on Thursday!!

Squat 5,3,1
Bench 5,3,1
Pullups 2x8

Rushed home to finish last batch of pemmican and last minute packing. I also experimented with dehydrated beef liver jerky and im not so sure if ive ever has such an unpleased palate.

Gotta mow grass tomorrow, then heading west on thursday after work. 22 hour drive for me
Good luck in Colorado.
Good luck @Hardly_Hangin !

5 miles (1100') with my wife and Tiny Elvis this morning. Still smoky, but doable.

Competed in my first Sprint Triathalon last week . Spent all spring and summer doing a shitload of running swimming and biking, so my garage weights were pretty dusty. Brushed them off and got back to following the 5/3/8 adaptation of Wendler’s program.

Day 1:
1 Mile Run sub 8:15min/mile
5/5/3/8/8+ OH Press
5x10 Bench Press
50 wide grip Pull Ups
Partner workout, each partner does 1 full round while the other rests
12 Minute AMRAP:
15 cal ski erg
50' handstand walk

straight into...

12 Minute AMRAP:
15 cal row
10 bench press @ 135#

when clock hits 24:00, start
20 seconds on/20 seconds off x 14 rounds of...
-push up plank hold
-hollow body hold
4 miles this morning with Tiny Elvis

Heading to the Northwest corner of the state- my buddy's father-in-law who has been putting in for 40 years finally drew a sheep permit. He's in his 70's so going to help out. It's archery now, so probably slim chances of a kill, but we'll get some good scouting in regardless and rifle opens in a week. Big time grizzly country!

4 miles this morning with Tiny Elvis

Heading to the Northwest corner of the state- my buddy's father-in-law who has been putting in for 40 years finally drew a sheep permit. He's in his 70's so going to help out. It's archery now, so probably slim chances of a kill, but we'll get some good scouting in regardless and rifle opens in a week. Big time grizzly country!

Have a great trip @mtwarden !
4 miles this morning with Tiny Elvis

Heading to the Northwest corner of the state- my buddy's father-in-law who has been putting in for 40 years finally drew a sheep permit. He's in his 70's so going to help out. It's archery now, so probably slim chances of a kill, but we'll get some good scouting in regardless and rifle opens in a week. Big time grizzly country!

I’m interested in how it goes and if you’re N of the Hwy, or S. The unit to the S can be more of a curse than a blessing at times, but I do have several friends that have pulled rams out of there. I spent MANY days there in 2019 and yes, saw both types of bears regularly.
Have fun. It’s god forsaken country, brushy and brutal, but it is an awesome place.
4 miles this morning with Tiny Elvis

Heading to the Northwest corner of the state- my buddy's father-in-law who has been putting in for 40 years finally drew a sheep permit. He's in his 70's so going to help out. It's archery now, so probably slim chances of a kill, but we'll get some good scouting in regardless and rifle opens in a week. Big time grizzly country!

Good luck on the trip. It will be memorable for everyone involved.
3.5 miles this morning 60#
Legs a little tender this morning made that ruck seem a bit longer

No rest
Archer push ups 2x failure
db push ups 3x failure
Seated cable flys 4x20-15
heavy db skull crushers 3x12
db laterals ascend descend 15-25# 3x20-12
Tricep pushdown 2x15
Single arm rope kicks 2x failure