
Saturday Partner WOD (I go/you go)

“The Don” for time:

- 66 Deadlifts (115#)
- 66 box jumps (24”)
- 66 KB swings (52#)
- 66 Toe 2 Bar
- 66 sit-ups
- 66 Pull-ups
- 66 Push Press (45#)
- 66 Cal Row
- 66 Burpees
- 66 Double Unders

32:20 RX

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Ran 2.25mi with 2 hill “sprint” intervals with my oldest. 400vert.
Got just under a full cord of wood and 7gal of morels in the afternoon.
I’ve been WAY higher in elevation the last few weeks. I didn’t feel as good running as I thought I was going to when I got home. It is terribly humid and rainy here.
Nice. That’s a good 1.

T’was tough on the hands….


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Pull Up Ladder to 10

Warmed up
Hip flexors
Counterbalance Squat
OH Elevated Deep Front Squat
Side Step ups

4 sets Squats/Calf Raise/Plyos-45/95/135/185

Squats/Calf Raise- 5 sets of 5
Decline sit up- 15

Deadlift- 135/185/205 x 10
Abs- oblique and twists with the dowel

Finally got 3/4 cord of wood split between downpours

This afternoon did a walk with my wife who’s rehabilitating her knee. 50lb pack 1.5mi. and 300vert
I think I needed another rest day….

Warm up - 3x rounds of:
- :30 wall sit
- 10 air squats
- 10 push-ups

Tabata 8min (:20 work/:10 rest):
- flex Hang hold (top of pull-up)
- ring rows

- Back Squat 3x5 @ 85% (my lower back was really tight this morning so I used 75% (225#)
- Strict HSPU - 4x10 (I used 2x ab mats to scale the depth)

WOD - “Dottir” for time:
- 12 BMU, 21 Deadlifts (175/125)
- 9 BMU, 15 Hang Power Cleans
- 6 BMU, 9 Shoulder-to-overhead

8:49 HEAVILY Scaled.
(Scaled the barbell weight down to 135#. My Hands are still ripped up from Saturday, I did 6 kipping Pull-ups and felt them tearing again so I did the rest as strict pull-ups but dropping all the way to my feet between reps, so very slow)

Then I shot a dozen arrows at 35 yards and spent 10 minutes working on Double Unders.

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3x15 20" box step ups with 35,45,55# sandbags
4 x 30 yard farmers carries using 55# sandbags each hand
7x12 various abdominal exercises (hanging knee raises, roller, oblique twists)
5 sets of DB incline bench press 35-75
5 sets of decline barbell bench press 185-275
3 sets of tricep extensions 20-25
5 sets of bicep curls 60-80