
Accessory Week (no barbell work)

Strength - EMOM16
- 10 x 30” box jumps
- 10 toe-2-bar
- Max Calorie ERG Bike (20/20/19/21)
- Rest

WOD - For time:

Round 1:
- 400m KB Farmer’s Carry (2x52# KB)
- 20 single arm DB Snatches (50#)
- 10 yd handstand walk or 4 Wall walks

Round 2:
- 200m KB Farmer’s Carry
- 15 single arm DB Snatches
- 10 yd handstand walk or 4 Wall walks

Round 3:
- 100m KB Farmer’s Carry
- 10 single arm DB Snatches
- 10 yd handstand walk or 4 Wall walks

17:10 RX weight, but scaled to wall walks b/c I still suck at gymnastics.

My Shoulders were completely smoked afterwards but I immediately shot a dozen arrows at 40 and 50 yards

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Decided to refocus programming for more strength for a period and see what happens. I've been following the same routine for 20 weeks so it's time to mix it up. I havent back squatted since high school (2015) and want to give it another try.

Based on starting strength program. First time squatting wasnt bad, Press felt light, deadlift was actually a PB and felt good

Squat 3x5 @ 185
Press 3x5 @ 95
Deadlift 1x5 @ 315

Kb swings 1x50 (cant give them up entirely!)
Beautiful morning here- mid 50's and overcast; Tiny Elvis and I got 5 miles (1000') in- the Balsamroot is still doing it's thing

It’s so damn Hot down here (Just a smidge North of Houston, TX) I’m about to lose my mind. Just stepping out the door at 5:30am and I’m sweating through my shirt before I can even get the truck started. I like to tell myself that training in this heat/humidity helps me compensate for the lack of elevation.

Not going to lie, this one scared me a bit when I read it.

For Time (35 min timecap):

- 1200m Ski
- 25 Thrusters (125/85#)
- 1200m Run
- 25 Overhead Lunges
- 1200m Row
- 25 Overhead Squats

27:12, Ladies RX weight.

In hindsight I should have gone a little heavier, maybe 105#, but I wasn’t quite confident enough. It was a good weight to keep moving through fairly quickly with 1 break per movement.

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