
- 10 Goodmornings
- 10 double KB bent over rows
- 10 Hip Thrusts
- :45 Plank Hold (elbows)

WOD - “Annie”
For Time:

- Double Unders
- Sit Ups

(8:55, Not RX b/c I suck at DU)

- - - - - - - - -

Then a 3 mile jog in the oppressive heat

Then Shot 10 arrows at 20 yards

Then 25 minutes of handstand and DU practice in the garage

Aaaaaaand I’m Done!

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It’s been a long week with extreme heat, lots of extra post workout skill work and/or running, and no rest day. I honestly didn’t have much left in the tank but I struggled through this one…

E3MOM x 5:
- 10 heavy double KB front squats
- 10 seated DB strict Press
- 10 KB SDHP

- 2 rope climbs
- 4 Squat Snatches (135/95#)
- 6 OTB burpees (Lateral)

(4 rounds, Ladies RX)

Then I shot 10 arrows at 35 yards and 20 minutes of DU practice.

One more to go!

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Every 30 seconds for 4 minutes:
1 halting squat snatch, 2 second pause at the knee
2 minute rest
4 minute EMOM:
1 squat snatch, build to a heavy 1 rep

For time:
250m run
18 cal echo bike
8 Dual DB burpee squat clean thrusters (45#)
8 Bar MU
250m run
8 Bar MU
8 Dual DB burpee squat clean thrusters (45#)
18 cal ski
250m run
6 miles and a 1000' for Tiny Elvis and I this morning. Red Mountain giving up it's snow.
