Local shop has a raptor 8 in stock for a decent price. All of these others appear non-orderable at the moment, at least thru this shop. Im going to stop in to the other local
shop I use a lot, but at least at the moment it looks like the raptor 8 could be it, as it appears to be on par with the ultra7 both in length and weight with the flush mount.
Do any of you guys with a full quiver of cans including a raptor 8 feel like this would be a poor choice for a 1-can quiver for both backcountry hunting (both length and weight are very high priorities) and range use? Any issues with AB as far as service goes?
My focus is on having a hearing-safe can that is as small and light as possible, that I’ll also be happy with for casual PRS and range use. I want hearing safe, but trying to err on the smaller/lighter side.
Also, raptor owners, how much poi shift have you seen between suppressor+ reflex, vs the direct-thread suppressor?