To clear the air I wanted to follow up since I just took delivery of the stockys stocky.
With the barreled action in the stock and the tang bolts threaded in about 3/4 of the way, the action has little to no movement in any direction within the stock. Very tight fit, so I’m going to try shooting it before I bed it since it’s such a tight fit
I ordered the varmit barrel channel opening on this stock. The 20” HB leaves next to zero gap in the barrel channel so I’ll need to open that up about 1/8” on each side of the barrel.
Trigger reach is great, much shorter than a tikka in a stockys stock.
Howa trigger has pretty decent amount of creep just before it fires at the weight it comes from the factory. Hoping the creeping just before it first will go away when I lighten the trigger
20” HB, factory bottom plastic, empty mag and stock is coming in at 5.9-6lbs. So a tikka super lite lol
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