
Warm up pull up ladder to 10

6 sets. No break.
Hanging Clean & Press- 45/95/115/135/145/145
Hanging Pull Up-10
TRX Knees 2 Chest-15
(Trying to out work the 17yr old wrestler and red lined. Going up to 155 on set 6 was the plan. Didn’t happen)

3 sets. No break
Dead & Shrug-185 x 3 & 4ea grip
DB Row- 35 x 10
Pull Up Knees 2 Bar- 6

DB Clean & Press- 40s x 30

Farmer’s Carry- 85s

Gonna do a quick and easy 2mi hill run in an hour with about 300vert
Tempo front squat
2x3 (3-2-1)
2x3 (3-1-1)
1x3 (1-1-1)

7 min amrap
12 cal row
15 wall ball
15 sit up
Wb increase by 5 each rd

1 min rest
7 min amrap
12 cal row
15 wall ball
15 sit up
Sit up increase by 5 each rd

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275 on the Front Squat is a shitload. A guy don’t need to work Abs too hard after that one huh?
Here's my story from today....
The workout was posted at 7:30 PM last night. I immediately thought well this is going to suck. It's 5 rounds for time of: 20 cal bike into 40 hand release push-ups into 60 double unders.
The immediate thought was "holy crap that's a lot of push-ups!" I was right ;)

Anyway, I get to the gym and start stretching and coach starts in. He says "Today's wod is called Try Anal." Another guy immediately says "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY???" and I bust out laughing. Coach looks at me and asks what's so funny. I said, did you just say Try Anal???
He immediately gets the disgusted look he always gets when I make a wise crack and says, "Damn it Jeff. I said Tri-Angle..."
I told him "I knew this workout wouldn't be much fun, but I had no idea it was going to be as bad as you just described it!"
2 miles this morning turkey hunting. I finally found one that wanted to gobble A LOT and was able to give him a ride in the truck.
Very awesome, congrats man.

5 min of abs. Warmup
Log press 5x10

3 rounds of below db circuit
Curl press x5
Alternating from top OHP x5
Alternating from bottom OHP x5
Hammer curls x5
Cross body alternating curls x5/side
Offset Waiters walk 75 ft /side
Offset farmers walk 75ft /side
back/biceps/rear delt/traps

warm up front pulldowns 2x30

working sets
4x15/failure traingle bar pull up
4x20/failure bent over triangle bar barbell rows 135/155/185
4x20 seated bent over cable rows
4x failure reverse hypers

preacher bar cable curls
cable drag curls
incline db curls

4 x 1:00 db farmers carry #80s
4x 20 high 1/2 db shrug 2 sec pause at top #80s
6 miles and around 2500’ elevation today.

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6 sets of heavy battle ropes 0:30-0:45 per round
5 sets of KB split squats
5 sets of front and side raises
8 sets of DB and KB OHPs (both single and double handed variations)
3 sets of medicine ball oblique twists
3 sets of DB bicep curls
3 sets of KB overhead Halos

Last night a 2.19 mile dog walk then shot 16 arrows (1092 total for the spring so far...well on pace to hit the 2500 goal by elk season)
12 minute alternating EMOM:
-5 deficit deadlifts @ 60-65%
-5R/5L single arm overhead DB lunges 50# (switch arm each round)

2 rounds for max reps:
50 seconds max cal echo bike/10 seconds rest
50 seconds max burpees onto a plate/10 seconds rest
50 seconds max russian KB swings/10 seconds rest (70#)
50 seconds max shuttle runs (50')/20 seconds rest
1 minute rest