Rotator Cuff Surgery - Recovery


Mar 18, 2022
just had my shoulder rebuilt. 6 months to get ready for elk season. any of you guys who have been through this have any recommendations on how to get on track?
I have 2 replacement shoulders. My advice is find the best PT person you can, follow their plan and advice and work your butt off. If your surgeon did his job, you'll do just fine. I have 5 replacement joints and all work great.
Following. I dislocated my right side a couple years ago leaving a tear, but no surgery. It finally feels mostly better. Now my left shoulder feels bad. Not certain what I did. I have flipped over the handlebars on the MX track a few times recently but don’t recall my shoulder hurting at the time. Now just reaching back for the seatbelt is a challenge. Getting close to having it looked at. Hoping to not head down the surgery path.

Good luck!
I'm 50. had my other shoulder done 5 years ago, but the surgery was late december so had a few extra months to get ready...complete atrophy of my left side and still struggled to get back to full strength by elk season...
Just had mine done on January 16th. I have been using BPC-157 since January 7th and feel like it’s helping. Still can’t do much till the bone heals though. I have 100% range of motion back and just started strength building (very light bands).

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Good luck, keep us updated on your progress. I’m looking at a surgery on my left shoulder that I have been putting off as well. Very curious to hear how you fare with your recovery.

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just had my shoulder rebuilt. 6 months to get ready for elk season. any of you guys who have been through this have any recommendations on how to get on track?
As mentioned, BPC157 can be very beneficial for healing. Get some resistance bands from EliteFTS, as they are great for rehab and can be taken anywhere. Cold laser therapy works very well, as does hyperbaric therapy. I also purchased an Earthquake bar from BarBend to help with rehab. The EQ bar is great at helping develop the stabilizer muscles with minimal weight. Good luck.
I had a Bankart repair on my right shoulder several years back. I now have five anchors holding my shoulder together. It was a HUMBLING experience learning how to open a jar of peanut butter again. But, it does get better and eventually feels as good as it did pre injury. I just did 105lb dumbbell press last night with no issues whatsoever.

Take your time, take physical therapy seriously, and have patience. After it’s healed up, I would highly recommend building some lean muscle to support the joint.

You’ve got this!!
Had mine done in late March last year, 6 weeks in a sling, and lots of PT. Was clear for shooting by September, at reduced draw weight. Listen to your surgeon and get a good PT.
I realize its not the same as RC, but had three labral tears and a biceps tenodesis done a couple years ago. The best advice I gave myself was to aggressively rehab. In other words, I didn't really listen to my surgeon. He wanted the shoulder immobile for 6 weeks with only minor movement to avoid frozen shoulder. I kept it immobile for three days and started movement right away. What I was told would be a 6 month recovery ended up being 3 months for full range of motion and about 90% strength.

This is no diss on my surgeon. He did a great job of fixing my shoulder. Just saying the rehab/recovery protocol you'll be given is for the average patient, someone who likely puts in the bare minimum to their recovery.

The hardest part of my rehab was getting full range of motion. The joint capsule is tightened during surgery and it's a real bear getting it stretched back out. Very painful and took the majority of the three months.

Best of luck and I hope everything goes well for you.
My advice is find the best PT person you can, follow their plan and advice and work your butt off.

I agree with this. Had a February surgery 2021. Left arm but my right is my draw arm.

Bought a used adjustable bow to lower the draw weight starting at 30 pounds and gradually increasing.

Was up to 60 pounds by July and ready to hunt by August.

I still do the postop PT workouts weekly to keep both shoulders in shape.

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