Hit the trails with Tiny Elvis- 4 miles, 1000' with a 55 lb pack; my weighted pack training is coming to a close (probably one more day Wednesday) as the rifle opener is this weekend. If I'm not ready for elk season, I'll never be ready
hit the trails after work with Tiny E- 4 miles, 800' w/ the 55 lb pack; the sandbags are getting put away this evening and the pack bag is going on- won't see the sandbags again until next year
3 person partner WOD. 1 does a set, one rides for max cals ass bike and 1 rests
30min AMRAP
15 hang clean 95#
10 box jump overs
5 chest to bar pull ups
Barrel press warm up 1x30
4x15-20/ failure
Db incline press #80
DC preacher bar
Diamond push-ups
Db hammer curl
Reverse grip cable kickback
Cable curl single arm preacher bench
24 Minute Alternating EMOM:
-15 cal row/ski (alternate each rd)
-15 box jump overs 24"
-200m run
-1 hang squat clean; start at 70%, build to a heavy 1 rep (235#)