Want to cut weight abit, so I'll track it here too. Lifting wise I'm in my best shape, cardio as well, just have extra body fat. I tend to adhere to Poliquin's standards for fat lol. So around Jan 1st, weighed 185. Currently 182.
1-6 wave bench press
185-155, 190-165, 195-175, 195-180 (only hit 4)
543 wave ohp (minimal rest between sets, 2 mins between waves)
95,105,110. 100,110,115
20 yds waiter carry kb 50lbs each arm
Turkish getup 25lb kb x5 each side
Front squats
135x8,155x5 +2 (after 20 sec rest), 165x4
Barbell lunges
135x5 each leg x2
Farmers carry db 40yds
Short and sweet. Wasnt sure what I wanted to accomplish when I woke up. But did something lol
Y’all have inspired me to post workouts and hopefully that accountability will help to get me out of bed earlier and more often. Some very impressive stuff in this thread. I’ll be 44 this year, decent shape but workouts are more intermittent than they should be.
Just learned what a Murph was and did an informal version of that this morning. Did it in 44:11 but the runs were slightly over 1m and the pushups were at about a 3” incline due to space constraints (and yet still the weak point). Did 3-6-9 x33 with a 1-2-3 kicker at the end. Needless to say no weight vest was employed...
6 sets of squats 135-225
4 sets of pullups (by far my weak point)
4 sets of bicep curls 50,70#
5 sets of narrow grip pulldowns 120-200#
5 sets high shoulder pulls 50-80#
4 sets single arm rows 40-80#
Walked the dog for 3 miles, took advantage of the break in the rain.