
Wife and I are both under the weather. I have head cold so lots of curls with meds, fluids and kleenex. Wife has a stomach bug so she has mostly been doing squats.
Snatch plus klokov press then oh squat, 2x10 85, then 95, then 115.
tabata 8 minutes with clean and press, pullups, snatch deadlift, and snatch high pulls.
Then 2x 80 yd overhead carry superset with 80 yd sled run with 3 plates.
8 Minutes to find 1RM Push Press

5 Minute EMOM, 70 % of 1RM
1 Push Press with 3 second pause in the dip
1 Push Press with 10 second hold overhead

2 Rounds for time:
30 Cal Row
5 (R) Dumbbell STOH, 60 lbs
20 Pull-ups
5 (L) Dumbbell STOH, 60 lbs
15 Cal Ski Erg (15 Cal Ass Bike 2nd Round)
Wife and I were both sufficiently recovered to to go to the gym yesterday so we hit 20.2

Mods were using 45#DB's because the 50's were being used and I did 48 single unders cause by this time next week I still wouldnt have completed 24 doubles LOL. Managed 11 rounds plus 4 thrusters.