
Yesterday's workout.

50 Burpee pullups and 50 manmakers with 50# DB's

This was a workout goal I set last year leading up to my 50th Bday, to complete in 50 minutes. As it turned out I was hunting on my Bday and forgot to ever attempt this. Did it yesterday as an out of the blue workout and completed in 45 minutes. I was freakin stoked. Most of yall would beat that time I am sure. After the last 2 days I will prolly just go get a big freakin milkshake for this evenings exercise.
a 6 mile out and back up to Therriault Pass with my wife and Tiny E, good grinder up (~1700’); our hope was several gallons of huckleberries, but we ended up with just a handful. I was up there last year and there was a ton of berries, but not ripened (probably two weeks early). This year two weeks later and barely a berry to be found- thinking a late frost knocked the crop out :(

12 minute alternating EMOM:
-10 Handstand Pushups
-10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
-1 Full Snatch + 1 High Hang Snatch (start @ 65%, build to a heavy set)

For Time:
250m Run
50 KB Swings, 53 lbs
50 Single Overhead KB Squat, 53 lbs (alternate hands every 5 reps)
250M Run
Partner workout

12 Minute AMRAP
Partner A: 3 Strict Pull-up, 6 Push-ups, 9 Goblet Squats 53 lbs
Partner B: 250M Run/500M Bike Erg Alternating
Partners switch places each time the run/bike is completed

1 Minute Rest

12 Minute AMRAP
Partner A: 3 D-Ball Over Shoulder, 100 lbs, 6 Push-ups, 9 Box Jump Overs 24"
Partner B: 250M Row/250M Ski Erg Alternating
Partners switch places each time the row/ski is completed