
Been 14 hours at work the last two days no work outs so got at it early this morning

DT #155
5 rounds
12 deadlifts
9 hang power cleans
6 push press

My legs will feel this
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23 Minute AMRAP

400m Run/500m Row (alternate each round)
10 Power Cleans @ 65% 1RM
20 Push-ups
3 Rope Climbs
Front squats
2x3 @78% and 83%

10 min amrap #95
12 deadlift
9 overhead squats
6 hang power snatch

With #20 vest on
100m sand bag carry buy in #100
Air squat
Sit up
100m sb carry cash out
Tiny Elvis and I got our hill workout in this morning while it was still cool (upper 50's)- 4 mile loop that gains ~ 1600' in 1.5 miles, tiptoe steep for 30 minutes straight, the next 2.5 miles is a nice gradual downhill
15 miles (gave Tiny E the day off) on a gorgeous morning- upper 50's and overcast; gives me a 40 mile week (and Tiny E 25 :))



Partner WOD
400m run
60 box jumps
60 GHD sit ups
60 1 arm DB clean and jerk 50#
400m run
120 cals assault bike
400m run
60 1 arm DB clean and jerk 50#
60 GHD sit ups
60 box jumps
400m run

Both partners run at same time, can't start on exercises until both partners are back in from the run.
35min time cap