Did 3miles backpacking today. Doesn't sound like much but elevation lost and gained was about 2k ft. It was hot, and it sucked. Started at 8800 dropped to 7800...then back up.
Tiny Elvis and I got our hill workout in this morning while it was still cool (upper 50's)- 4 mile loop that gains ~ 1600' in 1.5 miles, tiptoe steep for 30 minutes straight, the next 2.5 miles is a nice gradual downhill
Partner WOD
400m run
60 box jumps
60 GHD sit ups
60 1 arm DB clean and jerk 50#
400m run
120 cals assault bike
400m run
60 1 arm DB clean and jerk 50#
60 GHD sit ups
60 box jumps
400m run
Both partners run at same time, can't start on exercises until both partners are back in from the run.
35min time cap