
Partner WOD
100 cal row buy in
4 rounds
200m run
20 DB snatches 50#
20 wall balls 20#
20 GHD sit ups
15 bar facing burpees
15 Thrusters 95#
15 KBS 53#
100 cal ski erg cash out

Alternate movements, split cals even
Split jerks
1x3 rep max

50’ Sand bag carry #150
21-power cleans #135
21-sit ups
50’ sb carry
15-power cleans
15-sit ups
50’ sand bag carry
9-power cleans
9-sit up
50’ sb carry
I've been icing/stretching/rolling multiple times per day and my foot felt a lot better today, good enough I decided to hit the trails and see what happens- actually didn't hurt much and was able to get 4 miles in with Tiny E, slowed the pace and picked a little easier loop- can't tell you how good it felt to get back on the trails!

have the day off so decided to hit the gym this afternoon too

squats 5/5/5+, bench 5/5/5+, pull-ups 3x10, dips 3x30, core
5 miles with Tiny Elvis this morning- foot continues to improve :)

to the gym in the afternoon

5 rounds of:
thrusters @ 95# x 10
pull-ups x 10
very nice 10 mile loop in the mountains w/ Tiny Elvis- happy to report foot felt fine!



21 Minute Alternating EMOM

-13 Calorie Row/Ski/Bike (alternating)
-3 Squat Snatches @ 70-75%
-1 Burpee + 4 Toes to Bar, 3 sets
I've hit the reset button on my Wendler program; it's probably been at least two months since I've been able to keep a steady, twice a week effort-soooooo.... back I go

deadlifts 5/5/5+, overhead press 5/5/5+, lunges 3x 30 yds, pull-ups 3x12, core
Every 3 Minutes for 2 rounds:
8 back squats @ 80%

8 Minute AMRAP:
10 Handstand PU
5 Clean & Jerks 135 lbs

2 Minute Rest

8 Minutes to find a heavy set of:
1 Clean + 5 shoulder to overhead