
Chico rocks :)

4 miles this morning w/ Tiny Elvis, 4 miles this afternoon with my visiting brother and sister-in-law
12 mile run (gave Tiny Elvis the day off), the last couple of miles were painful in the bottom of my right heel and instep- it appears it is most likely Plantar Fascitiitis, will ice the $hit out of it; hopefully can still walk on it

EMOM x 3
3 Hang Snatches @ 60-65%
EMOM x 3
2 Hang Snatches @ 70-75%
EMOM x 5
1 Hang Snatch, Start @ 80% build to a heavy 1 rep

3 Rounds for time:
250m Row
10 GHD Sit-ups
15 Overhead Squats @ 115 lbs
10 Ab Mat Sit-ups
250M Row
can't hike or run so....

went to the gym instead

Cindy as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of

pull-ups 5
push ups 10
air squats 15

got 17, for a little while thought I might get 20, that faded quickly towards the end :)
3 mile trail run in 100% humidity and 90 degrees. It was retarded. Tried a new trail and it was cool until it went straight up the mountain and got rocky/chunky real quick and had many spring heads bubbling out in the trail. Turned into a glorified hike but I sure felt it.
foot is getting better, not ready to hit the trails yet though

sooooo to the gym again

deadlifts @ 70% 1RM 10/9/8/7/...../1
overhead press @ 70% 1RM 10/9/8/7/...../1
chin-ups 10/9/8/7/...../1

this is always a tough one, but my back was pretty well blasted from yesterday's pull-ups, chins crushed me today