
a glorious day today- got into the low teens, but felt like 50's!

8 miles of snowshoeing w/ a bunch of climbing for good measure w/ my glad to get out of the house partner- Tiny Elvis



200' OH Walking Lunge 50 lb Dumbbell
50 Box Step-ups 24", 50 lb Dumbbell
50 Strict HSPU
200' HS Walk
10:00 cap

Got to failure on the HSPU pretty quick...110 Reps.

Good work. I'll attempt 19.3 in a few hours. Strict HSPU are not my strength, but I knew something I'd suck at was coming.
a 10 mile run/snowshoe- probably close to half and half, ran with spikes when there was enough packed snow, snowshoes when there wasn't; sadly Tiny E is on injured reserve status- hurt something on yesterday's outing, hoping just a mild strain- seems good today, but want to give it a little time



5 miles on backcountry skis with my wife and Tiny Elvis- happy to report Tiny E appears to be 100%; he did cause a "good" head plant- standing right in the middle of the trail staring at me roaring downhill and not moving, so I dove off into the deep powder and face planted :)

After all the motivation from the "fat guys weigh in" thread, I need to try something different to get to the next level. Ive been stalled out from any weight loss for 4-5 monthes. Trying to get below 200 for the first time since the early 90s. The first 70 pounds was a piece of cake actually, and managed to keep it off for 2 years. Never been a "challenge" guy, but have decided to attempt the 10k kettlebell swing challenge. Yesterday was first day of 500 swings with pull ups. I might be underbelled with only a 16kg bell, but thats all I have. It really is 90% mental! On the 3rd and 4th rounds, your brain is trying everything it can not to pick up the bell. 5th is ok because you see light at the end. Im doing sets of 15 25 25 35. Grip was really suffering on last sets of 5th round. It took me 44 mins to complete and today my glutes are really sore. Surprisingly, so are my traps and calves and I dont think my calves have ever been sore. 5 hours from now, gonna do round 2 and than 18 more to go if I can make it!
Afternoon 2 of 10k kettlebell swing challenge! I couldnt do it yesterday! I have never felt soreness in my hamstrings like this in all my life. Once again my mind tried to convince me not to pick up the bell. 45 dips to go with it.