
Wendler week 20: I'm going to be laying off the heavier weights for the next couple of weeks, don't want an injury before the Bob Open- it's a de-load week, but I just changed things up on my own squats 5x5 @ 75%, bench 5x5 @ 75%, dips 5x25, pullups 5x10, core
Today was kind of a dog shit day for me. Didn't go to bed early enough and was just out of it. Did 2X800 and said F running, then just biked 2 rounds with 45 seconds rest on the Assault Bike instead.

It happens , my day was last friday couldnt front squat shit

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5 x 10-12 dumbbell flat bench press
5 x 10 dumbbell military press
5 x 10 incline bench press
5 x 11 20" box steps holding a 55# sandbag

2.22 miles on the elliptical
Split Jerk
EMOM x 7:
2 Split Jerk @ 75% with a :03 Pause in split of final rep of each set

Metcon (For time)
100 DU
30 Alt Dbell Snatch
30 Ring Dips
30 Single Arm Overhead Lunge Steps (15/15)
30 Ring Dips
30 Alt Dbell Snatch
​​​​​​​100 DU
Went to the range this morning and stretched it out a bit. Figure I can count it as a workout since I logged 4000 steps before 7 am :p
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Last group at 100 yards. Was waiting for the wind to die down on that last shot and couldn't quite reign it in. Otherwise I am pretty happy with that!
4-ish miles and about 800' of gain for Tiny E and I, my legs are definitely sore from yesterday's squat session
3.5 miles and just shy of 1000' of gain; the arrowroot is really popping- seas of yellow


For time
100 double unders
80 Cal row
60 wall balls 20#
40 deadlift 185#
20 ghd sit-ups
10 bar muscle ups

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3 position power clean complex
Hang power clean+mid knee power clean

6 set amrap
30 sec box jumps
30 sec rest
30 sec wall balls
30 sec rest
Front squats 1x3 rep max w/ 1 sec pause first rep then -10% for 2x3 #275 and #255

SCOTTY - 11 min amrap
5 deadlifts #315
18 wall ball
17 bar over burpee

3 rounds complete

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Every 90 seconds, alternating

250M Run
14 Pistols (7/7), 5-7 Ring Muscle-ups (went 7-7-5-5-6)
250M Run
5 Squat Snatches, 70% 1RM (125 lbs)

5 Rounds
was going to hit the trails, but has been raining all day so headed to the gym, Wendler week 20: deadlifts 5x5 @ 70%, overhead press 5x5 @ 70%, chin-ups 5x10, core
Had two different Wod's today so I just did both.

3 rounds, 3 min rest between rounds
500m row
400m run or 28 cal assault bike

Then straight into "Cindy"

20min AMRAP
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 air squats