
2 sets shoot 1 arrow @ 40yds after every run
20 air squats
Run the hill 300m
20 pushups
10 burpee
10 get ups

1 set shoot 1 arrow after each run @50yds
5x 300m hill run

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Yesterday did Murph (no vest)

2 hang squat cleans + 2 front squats
12 minutes to find heavy 1 rep

5 minute EMOM
2 hang squat cleans + 2 front squats, 85% of 1st number

For time:
40 calorie row
80 double unders
40 kb swings 53 lbs
80 double unders
20 burpees
Back squat 5x5 @ #315 last set max reps

For time :
25-20-15-10-5—sit ups
50-40-30-20-10-double unders
(finally got em)
10-8-6-4-2- deadlifts #185

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Work to a 5-rep max push jerk

Metcon (Calories)
Alternating Max Cal SKI/Max Cal BIKE
:30 ON 1:30 OFF x 10

*During Your Rest, complete
16 Single Arm Push Press (8R/8L), 50 lb dumbbell
5x5 push press

3 rounds
30 cal row
25 wall balls 30#
20 one arm dumbbell hang clean and jerk 50#, alternate arms every 5 reps
I'm back and alive 15 participants toed the line this year at the Bob Marshall Open, only two made it to the finish- I wasn't one of them, but enjoyed a great adventure. In the end, the swift water simply proved to be too dangerous and we made a decision to bail on the third day. 96 tough miles, too many sketchy fords to count, a ton of snow and gorgeous country- what more could a guy ask for?





4 x 10 dumbbell military press
4 x 10 lateral shoulder raises
4 x 10 bicep curls
4 x 12 oblique cable crunches
4 x 10-12 hamstring curls
4 x 10 single legged donkey kicks
4 x 10 cable chest flys
Tiny Elvis's and I 4 mile recovery walk turned into a 2 mile walk and a 2 mile run when some really black clouds rolled in fast- we got back to the truck with about 2 minutes to spare!
Tiny Elvis's and I 4 mile recovery walk turned into a 2 mile walk and a 2 mile run when some really black clouds rolled in fast- we got back to the truck with about 2 minutes to spare!

Awesome job on the hike , beautiful pics thanks for sharing

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Clusters work to 1x2 rep max

4 rds for time
100m run
10 hspu
20 alt db snatch #50
10 clusters #75

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6 x 10-12 narrow grip pulldowns
5 x 10 oblique crunches
5 x 8-9 chin-ups
5 x 4-10 back squats
3 x 10 tricep extensions
5 x 10 cable rows
7 minute EMOM
2 squat snatches, 85% 1rm

For Time, 15 minute cap
36 alternating dumbbell snatches, 50 lbs
30 toes2bar
20 box jumps 24”
6 rope climbs
20 box jumps
30 toes2bar
36 alternating dumbbell snatches, 50 lbs
Tiny Elvis and I got 4 steep miles in, about 1200' of gain- beautiful day though, upper 50's w/ sunshine
4 miles for Tiny E and I this morning- clicked right along just under a 4 mph pace w/ no running; might hit the gym later- it's been awhile since I've strength trained
I did hit the gym yesterday Wendler squats 5/5/5+, bench 5/5/5+, pull-ups 3x11, dips 3x30, core

just got back from 4 miles and 700' of gain with Tiny E
Conventional Deadlift- 1RM+80lb Chains

Conventional Deadlift - 5RM (Touch and go)

DB Split Squats- 2min each leg (farmer carry or on shoulders)

Sled Back Peddle - 1x 400m

Belt Walk - 6min

Dragon Flag/Leg Raises - 6min