
Snatch complex 1 every 1:30 (5 sets)
Hang power snatch+ low hang power + power snatch
Into hang power snatch 2 every 1:30 (3 sets)
Into power snatch 1 heavy (2 sets )

12 min amrap
12 sit ups
12 deadlift #185
12 bar over burpee

3 sets
Db tricep ext x10
Barbell row x5

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4 sets of back squats
4 sets of dumbbell lawnmower rows
4 sets of straight bar bicep curls
4 sets of wide grip lateral pulldowns
4 sets of tricep extensions
15 minutes stretching/foam roller.

So far I've exercised 101/131 days. Body seems to be holding up really well other than a few aches and pains.
EMOM, 10 minutes.
1 squat snatch, 1 hang squat snatch 75-80%

10 minute AMRAP
1000m row buy-in
14 power snatches, 75 lbs
14 overhead lunges, 75 lbs
3.5 miles with my wife and Tiny E this evening; have a 8-ish mile trail race tomorrow morning- temps in the mid 40's which should be near perfect for a race
13 min AMRAP

1 HS push up
1 bar muscle up
10 wall balls 20#
2 HS push ups
2 bar muscle ups
10 wall balls
10 wall balls
Progressive every round

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finished my 12k (a little over 8 miles)- race temps were mid to upper 40's, pretty nice- will have wait to see where I ended up, hoping mid-pack-ish
Alternating partner
12 Cal Bike
12 Clean and Press 135
14 min AMRAP

3 Rep Max Thruster

10 Min AMRAP
6 BO Burpee
12 Cal Row
6 OH Squat 135

The Finisher....
2 min AMRAP
Dumbbell Snatch 50#
Box Over and back
Front Squat - 1RM (light bands)

Front Squat - 3RM

Front Squat - 1RM (reverse mini)

Barbell Bulgarian Split Squat- 3x12 total (6 each leg)

Sled Back Peddle - 4x 50 yards

Belt Walk - 2min

Banded Standing/Kneeling Crunch - 2min

Quad Fall Outs- 3min

"3 Rounds
3000m Row
3min rest"

Time constraints had me only finish 2 rounds of 3k row
5 sets x 11 per each leg of 20" box steps with a 55# sandbag
5 sets x 10 of dumbbell flat bench
5 sets x 10 of stiff legged deadlifts
5 sets x 14-16 of hanging knee raises
5 sets x 10 of bicep curls

2.82 miles last night on the elliptical
83 arrows shot over the weekend (just passed 1200 arrows for the year)
Did a throwdown partner competition at our gym. Ended up doing 4 WODs between 8 and noon. It was a lot of fun and a lot of work. Definitely felt that for the rest of the weekend.

5 rounds for time:
400M run
15 overhead squats, 95 lbs
Back squats 5x5 last set max effort

4 rounds
2 min work 2 min rest
200m run
Max rep push ups w/vest

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3 Min Round
18 Box Over Burpees
18 OH Squats 95# increase 10# each round
AMRAP Cal on rower for score
3 Min Rest
15 BOBurpees
15 OH Squats
Amrap Row
3 min rest
12 BOBurpees
12 OH Squats
Amrap Row
3 min rest
9 BOBurpee
9 OH Squat Amrap Row

That’s a killer WOD
Front squats:. 8-6-4-2-4-6-8

Wall balls 20#
Pull ups
Ab mat sit ups

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5 x 10 wide grip pulldowns
5 x 11 seated narrow grip cable rows
5 x 10 tricep extensions
5 x 10 wide grip cable rows
4 x 8-10 bicep curls
3 x 10 single leg hip raises
2 sets each of planks/abdominal roller

2.91 miles last night on the elliptical
1 Minute on/1 minute off
6 Rounds for max reps
Power clean and Push jerk, 70% 1RM

8 Minute AMRAP:
10 Deadlifts 155 lbs
10 T2B
BTN Snatch Grip Strict Press - 1RM (monster)

BTN Snatch Grip Strict Press - 3RM

Ring/Bar Dips - 3x3, then 2x3 w/ slingshot

DB Tate Press or Pulley Triceps Extension - 3x15

"4 Rounds
800m Run
1.5 minute rest"

Today was kind of a dog shit day for me. Didn't go to bed early enough and was just out of it. Did 2X800 and said F running, then just biked 2 rounds with 45 seconds rest on the Assault Bike instead.