
The open got me wanting to start posting in this thread again. I'm going to retest today. Feel like I had more in the tank and didn't quite find that dark place on Friday;)

How did it go for those that are doing the open workouts?

I ripped my callus off about fourth round

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4.5 miles with my wife and Tiny E; we had a strong wind event last night, so several spots where we had to post hole- wife didn't wear gaiters- whoops.
Still not brave enough to attempt 18.1, maybe some time this week.

Monday 2/26/18

Deadlift: 5-5-3-3-1 (failed on the one rep at 365)

50 pull-ups: accumulated over multiple sets

Banded Good mornings- 3 sets

Felt a little weak today, still doing the IF and I don't think I ate enough yesterday.
Overhead Squat: 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 Working to a heavy 3 rep set

7 Minute AMRAP:
Deadlifts 225 lbs
Box Jumps, 30"
Rep Scheme:
Complex : 4 front squats + 1 jerk , work to 1x1

20 box over burpee
30 power snatch #75
40 thrusters #75
500m run

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5 rounds
1:00 Assault bike max calorires
1:00 wall balls 20#
1:00 double unders
Complete all three with no transition time then rest 1:00 after each round
Score is total reps done

That was ugly
Wendler week 10: squats 3/3/3+, bench 3/3/3+, pullups 3x12, dips 3x30, core

I was worried on my squats with Saturday's sufferfest, but managed 7 reps on the 3+, my bench, which I wasn't overly worried about, I only managed 5 :rolleyes:
Short 2 mile trail run with the pup this morning. Sleep hasn't been great this week so taking it easy.

Beginning to think mtwarden doesn't shoot anything he hunts, he runs them to death.