Newsflash: The CARES Act ($2.2 trillion of made up funny money injected into the economy) was passed by a Republican majority Senate and signed by Trump.
Can we do the Dave Ramsey thing where you tell us how old you are and how much money you make and about your assets and debt?
Newsflash: my comments were in reference to the bull crap regulations being pushed to make everything more green…. Smaller engines, more batteries, restricted water flow in faucets, less water in washing machines (means more loads of laundry canceling out water savings), banning gas stoves, mandating electric cars, solar panels for powering cities (I saw how well that worked in my home state of Texas), windmills that will never pay for themselves and end up in land fills, etc, etc, etc…..
How much money my wife and I make is none of your damn business. Nor are our assets. And as far as debt…. Tiny mortgage and tiny auto loan. There are people with car notes higher than our mortgage….. my combined interest on home and auto is less than auto loans are today….
Other than that, ZERO. NADA. 4 or 5 credit cards with NOTHING!
Again, can we afford to buy brand new even with the current interest rates? Absolutely we can. Would it put a financial strain on us. Nope, not at all. But, I didn’t get into the financial situation that I’m in by making impulsive buying decisions, over paying, or maxing out my lines of credit….
So, can we do that thing where you apologize for trying to insult me as you puff your chest out looking down your nose with a feeling of being holier than thou?
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