Why you dont hunt with some people anymore

Sometimes it's hard to know a guy until you hunt with them. I knew a guy that always bragged about how hard he hunted and stuff like that. We were chasing elk and were a few miles from camp when darkness set in. We worked hard to find them so I decided to just spend the night there and be on the elk in the morning. This guy would have nothing to do with it. He threw such a fit and was so loud he spooked the horses. Ended up going back to camp in the middle of the night. To make matters worse he killed an elk close to camp a couple of days later.
Good hunting partners is just like dating. The chemistry has to match or it doesn’t work out. Haven’t had anything bad happen but the one thing that gets me is people who always have a negative outlook. Something about it just puts an edge on the whole day

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OK Roksliders, my hunting future is in you hands. I had scouted a new area for blacktails and invited a hunting buddy to hunt it opening weekend. 5 day backpack trip in a new area. Plans are laid 4 months in advance. He backs out 2 days before take off. Ok, stuff happens. I go solo and have success. He comes with me the second year and we have some success and agree that we'll keep this spot in confidence between us as our go to opener location. Third year (this past season) he asks if he can invite his son. Of course. I'm all for bringing in the next generation and keeping this spot "in the family". The hunting wasn't as good this year and one night during dinner his son starts in with a story "Remember that time last year, dad, when you and your buddy JImmy were up here and you didn't get anything?" I'm thinking "Who the F is Jimmy?" Turns out he had taken another guy to this spot a few weeks after we'd hunted it the year prior. It is public land, but is breaking the code of silence grounds to stop hunting with someone? I am inclined to write last season off as the last I will hunt with this guy. We've known each other for nearly 30 years, so this isn't just some asshat off the street. Let the jury weigh in....
Friend of a relatives neighbor. Turned out to be a felon. No violent crimes and he was currently a free man but had two different I.D’s, neither matched his hunting license and he went by a completely different name. For someone who had not been allowed a firearm for 20 years he was a pretty good shot :oops:
Hunting buddy from high school had an accidental discharge while walking. . . Gun was pointed in a safe direction, seemed like a freak thing, I wrote it off as an accident.

The next year we pop over a hill heading in to hunt and there's a giant miley buck. . . My place to hunt, we agreed he was tagging along and I had first pick, guy jumps out of the truck and touches one off as he's pulling his rifle out, luckily the barrel had cleared the floor board so I didn't get a bonus prize of a hike through my floor board . . . So two "accidental" discharges and he was trying to shoot a shoot a once in a lifetime buck out from under me in my spot that was strikes 2 and 3. Even though strike two was enough.

Now that I have kids, I have 0 tolerance for lack of gun safety. My kids know if they do something even remotely unsafe, they are done for that day and the next time out. I've stopped hunts more than once because someone's kid wasn't safe. . . They didn't like it but I don't care, I'm not getting myself or one of my kids shot!
OK Roksliders, my hunting future is in you hands. I had scouted a new area for blacktails and invited a hunting buddy to hunt it opening weekend. 5 day backpack trip in a new area. Plans are laid 4 months in advance. He backs out 2 days before take off. Ok, stuff happens. I go solo and have success. He comes with me the second year and we have some success and agree that we'll keep this spot in confidence between us as our go to opener location. Third year (this past season) he asks if he can invite his son. Of course. I'm all for bringing in the next generation and keeping this spot "in the family". The hunting wasn't as good this year and one night during dinner his son starts in with a story "Remember that time last year, dad, when you and your buddy JImmy were up here and you didn't get anything?" I'm thinking "Who the F is Jimmy?" Turns out he had taken another guy to this spot a few weeks after we'd hunted it the year prior. It is public land, but is breaking the code of silence grounds to stop hunting with someone? I am inclined to write last season off as the last I will hunt with this guy. We've known each other for nearly 30 years, so this isn't just some asshat off the street. Let the jury weigh in....
Ex communicado to him and his loose lipped spawn
OK Roksliders, my hunting future is in you hands. I had scouted a new area for blacktails and invited a hunting buddy to hunt it opening weekend. 5 day backpack trip in a new area. Plans are laid 4 months in advance. He backs out 2 days before take off. Ok, stuff happens. I go solo and have success. He comes with me the second year and we have some success and agree that we'll keep this spot in confidence between us as our go to opener location. Third year (this past season) he asks if he can invite his son. Of course. I'm all for bringing in the next generation and keeping this spot "in the family". The hunting wasn't as good this year and one night during dinner his son starts in with a story "Remember that time last year, dad, when you and your buddy JImmy were up here and you didn't get anything?" I'm thinking "Who the F is Jimmy?" Turns out he had taken another guy to this spot a few weeks after we'd hunted it the year prior. It is public land, but is breaking the code of silence grounds to stop hunting with someone? I am inclined to write last season off as the last I will hunt with this guy. We've known each other for nearly 30 years, so this isn't just some asshat off the street. Let the jury weigh in....
I think a conversation with the dude is in order. Explain that you won't be taking him back out for any further secret spots but he's welcome to hunt with you at any other location he picks.
About 20 years ago I took a young lady and her dad archery elk hunting with me. It was a 6+ hour drive to get to where we were going to hunt and we were in an extra cab Toyota Tacoma. She ride in the extra cab. We get to our destination, set up camp, and get a few hours of sleep. The next morning we are out hunting and a rain storm comes in. We are soaked. Fire danger was high so we could not have a fire and not everyone had a second pair of boots to wear. For the evening we drive around trying to dry our boots with the heater in the truck and she was in the extra cab again. With no leg room. This happened 2 days in a row. The third and last morning we were not in a big hurry to go get wet again and we had to pack up and go home after the late start morning hunt. Headed up a ridge I spot a couple bulls that were headed the same direction as us. Hoping that our paths would get closer to make it easier to call one of them in. It did. I spot the bulls about a 100 yards or so below us and I try to tell them where to set up while I stay back and call. I tell her to go up to a root wad about 10 feet in front of me. She replied “I can’t. I asked why and she said her legs hurt. I told her to crawl on her hands and knees or belly crawl or do something, just get to the root wad because if a bull comes in he is going to come up to the end of the tree of the root and then turn to go around us giving her a 15 yard shot. She replied “I CAN’T”. So fine I just hunkered down and cow called one time. The bull turned up the hill and ran to the end of the tree, turned broadside and stopped for a few seconds with his head behind a bush. Just like I told her he would. Although I did not expect it to happen so quick. Needless to say the bull walked off. Later I was still not happy about the whole thing and told her about it. She said “I will NEVER hunt with you again”.
Well, a few years later I ended up marrying her and she has only hunted with me one time since. Still gets mad at me when I bring that story up. But she doesn’t care that I’m gone as much as possible to go hunting.
I can barely get along with myself some days lol
Honestly hunting alone for me is the purest time I have to myself each year. Not at all snoody and I’ve taken this one or that one. But TBH without sounding arrogant I’d rather just be by myself and be at one with whatever I encounter along the way, without having to worry about this or that or if shitting in the woods is too far fetched. . With CAMP on my back. I stop where I stop, when I stop, stay there if I choose or move along as I see fit.
I buy good boots and I love to put on the miles. if I want to hunt from the sofa I’ll buy an accubow lol

Cheers to everyone
happy hunting no matter what water floats your boat :)

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I stopped hunting with a guy because he wouldnt stop talking about god.

I won't hunt with people who smoke, smokers don't even realize how repulsive they are

I won't hunt with people who think success is anything other than getting the animal you're after, I hate coming up empty then having your buddy post some lame thing on facebook saying "no animal but the hunt was successful".

I also wont hunt with people who are mentally weak.
I’m on your team, I enjoy my time in the mountains but when I’m hunting success is only measured on if i got something or not. not because I got a good sunset, although I do like them
I’ve never understood why people had problems with swearing between adults. That being said, I agree 100% otherwise.
Look, I’m no saint. But my experience tells me that people whose mouth overruns with short four letter words typically don’t have much in the intelligence realm, and use the short words to cover for the fact they are incapable of expressing a coherent thought.

an example - I just saw this posted on Doug Durens Instagram thread. This is the exact type of guy who I would run, not walk away from in the woods.

Look, I’m no saint. But my experience tells me that people whose mouth overruns with short four letter words typically don’t have much in the intelligence realm, and use the short words to cover for the fact they are incapable of expressing a coherent thought.

an example - I just saw this posted on Doug Durens Instagram thread. This is the exact type of guy who I would run, not walk away from in the woods.

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Well **** me, why can’t you show up in my hunting spots? If all it takes is one four letter word to get you to run away from me, I got that shit covered.
I’m on your team, I enjoy my time in the mountains but when I’m hunting success is only measured on if i got something or not. not because I got a good sunset, although I do like them

Yup, it’s not to say I don’t enjoy my time out there but there’s a reason I’m out there and there’s a goal to be completed. It sucks coming up empty, especially during moose season, that’s how I feed my family most of the year.
OK Roksliders, my hunting future is in you hands. I had scouted a new area for blacktails and invited a hunting buddy to hunt it opening weekend. 5 day backpack trip in a new area. Plans are laid 4 months in advance. He backs out 2 days before take off. Ok, stuff happens. I go solo and have success. He comes with me the second year and we have some success and agree that we'll keep this spot in confidence between us as our go to opener location. Third year (this past season) he asks if he can invite his son. Of course. I'm all for bringing in the next generation and keeping this spot "in the family". The hunting wasn't as good this year and one night during dinner his son starts in with a story "Remember that time last year, dad, when you and your buddy JImmy were up here and you didn't get anything?" I'm thinking "Who the F is Jimmy?" Turns out he had taken another guy to this spot a few weeks after we'd hunted it the year prior. It is public land, but is breaking the code of silence grounds to stop hunting with someone? I am inclined to write last season off as the last I will hunt with this guy. We've known each other for nearly 30 years, so this isn't just some asshat off the street. Let the jury weigh in....
Trust, he broke it. I would keep him as a general friend but never hunt with him again. Not only did he not keep it in confidence, he did not tell you that he broke it. Poor guys needs to teach his son that what happens on a hunting trip stays at the hunting trip.
I only have 2 occasions of being done hunting with people.

1: archery hunter talking a big game and flinging arrows at all sorts of animals and not tracking down to see if he hit them or not. He hit a calf elk (legal animal) and denied hitting the calf even when I pointed to the blood.

2: Guy took a couple shots way too close to my lab when I told him not to. Damn near hit my dog and never have I ever been more angrier with a loaded gun in my hands. I haven't talked to that guy since.

I take new hunters out once in a while for a day to teach them what I can. Get more thrill out of that then hunting with someone I know. I prefer hunting mostly solo now.
OK Roksliders, my hunting future is in you hands. I had scouted a new area for blacktails and invited a hunting buddy to hunt it opening weekend. 5 day backpack trip in a new area. Plans are laid 4 months in advance. He backs out 2 days before take off. Ok, stuff happens. I go solo and have success. He comes with me the second year and we have some success and agree that we'll keep this spot in confidence between us as our go to opener location. Third year (this past season) he asks if he can invite his son. Of course. I'm all for bringing in the next generation and keeping this spot "in the family". The hunting wasn't as good this year and one night during dinner his son starts in with a story "Remember that time last year, dad, when you and your buddy JImmy were up here and you didn't get anything?" I'm thinking "Who the F is Jimmy?" Turns out he had taken another guy to this spot a few weeks after we'd hunted it the year prior. It is public land, but is breaking the code of silence grounds to stop hunting with someone? I am inclined to write last season off as the last I will hunt with this guy. We've known each other for nearly 30 years, so this isn't just some asshat off the street. Let the jury weigh in....
Sorry I’m not getting as worked up as some guys are. I wasn’t there when you agreed to keep the spot a secret but in the post you said as a go to opener spot. Well he went a couple weeks after he went there with you. At that point repeat business is fair game in my mind. Sure I’d be pissed if the guy he went with goes there for opening in future years but that would probably be the conversation I had with him saying “hope Jimmy doesn’t plan to be here next year without us”. 30 year friends that hunt and hunt with their kids aren’t worth burning over this. IMO
Trust, he broke it. I would keep him as a general friend but never hunt with him again. Not only did he not keep it in confidence, he did not tell you that he broke it. Poor guys needs to teach his son that what happens on a hunting trip stays at the hunting trip.
No, poor guy needs to teach his son proper respect and not do what they did in the 1st place.