I'd like to add a comment, apropos to this thread & i kinda feel I might have brought it up.
Unfit fatties.
Please don't write us all off as bad hunting partners. Yes, we may be slow & not able to do that fourteener in an hour, but some of us, actually probably a large percentage of us, are very aware of our limitations & are just happy you invited us along. We're probably going to go out of our way NOT to hamper your efforts. Believe me, we know our limitations. We'll figure something out closer to camp, or maybe not so far back, but I promise you, I for one will bust my ass getting your critter out. We might not be able to get 4 miles in. Certainly not in one shot, but believe me....a lot of us have an 'eff you, just watch me' attitude & we'll do what we can!
Hell, maybe slowing down a bit might get you into shit you'd normally hoof it past!
*cough Ryan cough*