Worked with a kid that convinced me to go archery hunting with him. First year wasn't terrible. The only thing that annoyed me was he would set limits on himself then complain when he didn't meet them. He would always say 4 points only for opening weekend, not shoot anything all season then complain he didn't kill one. I am not talking "complain" in the sense of "Man, I really should have shot that 3 point opening morning, that was dumb of me" that we all do with a grin. It was legitimate complaining. It was annoying but not unbearable.
Second year. He got a job after applying for hunts and had to move about 1.5 hours away. Not a big deal, I did most of the scouting. Found some new areas that had better deer so we hunted there. I killed my deer the Monday after opening day. I packed it out with another buddy that was with us and we met him at camp. I get to camp and he calls me on the radio and asks me to pick him up at the bottom so he doesn't have to hike up the road. I go get him, he throws his bow on the coolers in the bed of my pickup, slams his backpack on his bow, which vaults it out of my pickup and onto the ground. He picks his bow up and spikes it in between two coolers. Slams my pickup door shut and says exactly 0 words to me driving back to camp. We get back to camp and I am putting my stuff away so I can take the deer back down to the valley to get it processed. He never once asked about the story or to see the deer. Just mopped around and all I got was "cool" when I put the deer head in before I left.
Fast forward to Saturday and my other buddy that helped me pack out my deer kills one. I am helping him pack it out and he is using my backpack because its better than his. In Utah, you have to have your concealed weapons permit to carry a side arm while archery hunting and my handgun was on the belt. We get about 1/3 mile from the pickup and I tell my buddy that I am going to run and get it and drive up the road to save some walking. I took my handgun so if he got stopped there wouldn't be an issue and took off jogging. I get to the pickup and the other kid (one that wasn't happy for me) is already there. I am running down the road and he asks where the other kid is and why I have my handgun? I say he shot a deer and is packing it out and I took my gun so he doesn't get a ticket. We hop in the pickup and the entire 5 minute drive all the kid does is tell me that I am stupid because "Utah doesn't care if you have a handgun and no concealed" and "that I was stupid and could have left it on the pack and been fine." To me, it was easier to not destroy the high of killing a deer with a stupid ticket.
We pick the other kid up and drive 20 minutes back to camp. Once again, the kid never asked about the story or looked at the animal. We get back to camp and I tell the kid that killed his deer to pack up and take his deer out and to go enjoy the next day with his wife before heading back to work. He worked like 80 hour weeks, so I was 100% ok with him not being there for the next day to help. I tell the bitchy friend that I can stay and hunt with him Sunday but needed to be back to school on Monday. He sits in his chair like a 4 year old that got his candy taken away for about 20 minutes. I said **** it, and started taking my camp down. He looked at me was like, "I thought you were staying?" I told him, I wasn't going to stay if he was going to act like that and that he wasn't happy for me or the other kid killing deer so why would I stay to help him? He gave me some sob story about how he hasn't killed a deer in 4 years and deserves one and that he is just frustrated and that he lost his GPS and how he couldn't afford a new one...something something. I told him that is the way it goes and that he should just be happy for other people. He told me " I could go **** myself" and that was that.
Never hunted with the kid again. He has issues and is still friends with the other kid but nobody can stand him. Honestly, I feel bad for him more than anything but I have enough shit in my life, I dont need his.
I thought I had a good partner a couple years ago but then his wife started telling him he had to be home by 8PM which is pretty hard when you are 3 miles deep and legal shooting light ends at 745. So that season was spent hiking out early everyday so he could be home by 8 with a 45 minute drive one way. My god you should have heard her the time we were checking cameras and got stuck in the canyon due to road construction so he didn't get home until 845.
After that most of my hunting partners have gone separate ways for various reason but mostly I cant find someone that is dedicated enough and I am not that dedicated. They all get married and then "have to check with the wife" and she says "No" or some bullshit.