Why you dont hunt with some people anymore

I’m a easy guy to get along with and I have had very fortunate luck with hunting partners. I do not tolerate blatant disregard for gun safety. I also shy away from guys who are disrespectful or total ram rods that shoot first and ask questions later.

I do like hunting with know it all hunters because I will always learn something, either what to do or what not to do.
I have had a few experiences that tore it for me. I had a guy that I thought was squared away take me to a spot he had been hunting for years. We parked right by the farm road and I had a good hunt seeing a nice buck at first lite, it was a nice spot. I found out later that he had lost permission to hunt the spot but was still going anyhow and took me along. Same guy later on public I took him to a red hot oak ridge, pointed to a tree and said climb that one so he does, 30 minutes after lite he shoots a deer. No, thanks no nothing I help him get it out. A week or so later we are back in there and he sends me a text right at dark that he was climbing down and walking out. I was another half mile past him and texted back that I had just shot a buck at dark and was tracking it his response was " cool, good luck". Now I have hunted solo plenty but there is no way I am 1, trespassing, 2. not helping someone track and drag/ pack out. When it's all about them and they just want to use you for access or the strength of your back or your knowledge I'm done.

Now there have been plenty of people that have invited me or asked me to take them that got the hard "no" because I knew they were a chit show and I wasn't going to be part of it. I hate to turn down someone's generosity but I knew how that was going to turn out so it was easier to pass.
Sorry I’m not getting as worked up as some guys are. I wasn’t there when you agreed to keep the spot a secret but in the post you said as a go to opener spot. Well he went a couple weeks after he went there with you. At that point repeat business is fair game in my mind. Sure I’d be pissed if the guy he went with goes there for opening in future years but that would probably be the conversation I had with him saying “hope Jimmy doesn’t plan to be here next year without us”. 30 year friends that hunt and hunt with their kids aren’t worth burning over this. IMO

You're new to hunting?

There is a code - you don't sleep w your hunting buddy's wife and you don't covertly take other folks to other people's hunting spots. Violate either of those and yer a piece of dog poo.

Kinda like yer old lady doing the mailman in your bed. Bad enough she did the mailman, worse that she violated the bed. Some would say boo-hoo, ya move on. You do - without the old lady and without the bed. You might be justified in a meet & greet with the mailman too - especially if he's yer hunting buddy.

The dude who secretly brought his other buddy violated stuff on multiple levels. That he asked to bring his spawn shows he knew what he was doing.
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Haven't seen anyone mention drinking in camp. I won't hunt with anyone who has to have alcohol on a hunting trip. I can get plastered with the best of them, and I love my beer, but it has no place in a hunting camp. I've had this rule my whole live, as has my brother, and we both drink a lot of beer at home.

One time our oldest brother brought a friend to our deer camp, and they each had a case of beer they planned to drink over that weekend. Without saying a word, my other brother (who is a real hunter) and I just started packing up our sh.t and we left. Our oldest brother couldn't believe we would leave on a Friday night, but we told him we weren't going to stick around and watch them get drunk, ruin our hunt and who knows what else with their guns.

I simply won't hunt with anyone who has to bring alcohol to camp. I've told more than one person that if they can't hunt without alcohol, they might have a problem with alcohol.

I know that's not a popular opinion among hunters, but it's my rule and I don't apologize for it.

This is also most likely the reason that I lose so much weight in elk camp each year. LOL
You're new to hunting?

There is a code - you don't sleep w your hunting buddy's wife and you don't covertly take other folks to other people's hunting spots. Violate either of those and yer a piece of dog poo.

Kinda like yer old lady doing the mailman in your bed. Bad enough she did the mailman, worse that she violated the bed. Some would say boo-hoo, ya move on. You do - without the old lady and without the bed. You might be justified in a meet & greet with the mailman too - especially if he's yer hunting buddy.

The dude who secretly brought his other buddy violated stuff on multiple levels. That he asked to bring his spawn shows he knew what he was doing.
I post an honest response to the OPs question and yours is to question my hunting experience?

If you equate taking someone’s hunting spot with sleeping with their wife then you have other issues. The fact that you talk more about the infidelity than the hunting infraction makes me think you’ve had some personal experience with this. Obviously I don’t have the trust issues you do.

Based on the OP this isn’t my spot. It was our opening spot. Therefore the guy didn’t steal anything. The two of them would hunt it together every opener. He asked if he could bring his son because his son would be joining them on that years opener. So it’s make sense to make sure the OP is cool with the third gun.

Sounds like you’d be better off buying a chunk of property somewhere and hanging trespassers will be shot signs along the perimeter fence. I don’t need to ask why you hunt alone...
There's three things that do it for me.

1) Sharing hunting spots is top of my list. Unforgivable. You won't get a second chance to hunt with me.

2) Guys who pout when things get hard. Hunting can suck. That's part of the experience and fun. If you ruin the mood for others because you're blue things aren't going your way, I'm not interested in spending my time in the woods with you.

3) Guys who talk crap on their wives. That's not inclusive to hunting partners either. We all have plenty to complain about. And I'm not talking about a buddy who's going through a hard time. I'm talking about the airing your dirty laundry to people for the purpose of trying to entertain, be funny or draw attention to yourself. It's a character flaw and not one one of the traits I value in friends or hunting partners.
I had a friend who wanted to go hunting with me badly. I told him I would be at his house at exactly 5:00 AM to get him. I go to his house and it's completely dark. So he must not have wanted to go too badly as he was still in bed. Had a lady friend over I found out later and must not have gotten enough sleep. I waited outside his house with my Jeep running for 10 minutes. No activity and I left and went hunting. He asked my why I didn't knock on the door and wake him up. I told him that's not my job to do and if you really wanted to go hunting you probably would have gotten out of bed.
Illegal activity will get you bumped out of my group in a skinny minute. I've quit hunting with 2 people because of illegal activity. For a long time, it was illegal to hunt on Sunday in NC. Dumb law, but still the law. Had one hunting partner who let slip that he hunted our lease every Sunday evening (prior to it being legal). Cut ties with him real fast.

Another hunting partner I cut ties with after I learned about his thoughts on tagging deer. We had about 3 weeks left to deer season, and I shot a buck that had about 1" spikes (I thought it was a doe). In NC, any bony protrusion counts as a buck It was my last buck tag. I told my buddy "Well, guess I'm tagged out on bucks." He looked at me and said "Looks like a doe to me, just quarter it up real quick, throw it the cooler, tag it as a doe. No one will ever know." Last time I ever hunted with him.
Oh, I also flat out will not hunt with super fit, go-getters. The kinda guy who insists on hiking 6 miles, when there's a much easier, half mile route. Nothing against em, but i'm a fat bastard & the only thing I hate more than someone spoiling my vibe, is the thought of me spoiling someone else's.
Self awareness goes a long way. We all suck at it sometimes!
Firearm safety is a deal-breaker. Sweeping people or constantly bringing loaded, chambered firearms around camp or others in general is so unsettling IMO.

Sleeping in and not actually that interested in hunting drives me crazy. A lot of guys I've hunted around just want to sit in camp and have three square meals a day instead of hitting it hard. Not for me. I just feel that of the little amount of time that I actually get out in the field the last thing I want to do is just sit in camp...
I only hunted a couple seasons with one friend. It all went fine but I decided I might like being solo more. Turns out I was right.
I post an honest response to the OPs question and yours is to question my hunting experience?

If you equate taking someone’s hunting spot with sleeping with their wife then you have other issues. The fact that you talk more about the infidelity than the hunting infraction makes me think you’ve had some personal experience with this. Obviously I don’t have the trust issues you do.

Based on the OP this isn’t my spot. It was our opening spot. Therefore the guy didn’t steal anything. The two of them would hunt it together every opener. He asked if he could bring his son because his son would be joining them on that years opener. So it’s make sense to make sure the OP is cool with the third gun.

Sounds like you’d be better off buying a chunk of property somewhere and hanging trespassers will be shot signs along the perimeter fence. I don’t need to ask why you hunt alone...

If it is your spot and willingness to add folks - more power to you. I don't do that.

Seemed like a big deal that the kid said someone else's name... Why post it as a Why You Don't Hunt w People thread if it aint a big deal? LOL!

You wanna be kind, you wanna help them out but they stick it to you most every time. Pretty lousy. That's why folks protect their spots and get all excited over units being discussed online. It is a big deal.
Hunting partner shot a black beef bull on NF while hunting black bear....shot him in the rear.

Then he wanted to just end the hunt and leave without tracking down the owner...

I was able to track down the owner who basically made him pay for it with a check...then he wanted me to pay for half because if he was solo he would have just left.

He paid but yeah I am not hunting with him again.
Being late is a pet peeve of mine as well. My BIL wanted to go hunting with me. I told him to meet me at my house at 0330 due to the drive and the walking distance to get in. He calls me at 0400, while I am on the road and says "I just got up, wait on me." Nope. I don't wait.

The only person I give any lee way to is my Dad. He is not as serious as a hunter as me, but that's ok, because he's my Dad and I will make sacrifices to spend time with him. He has been on 3 elk hunts with me. It's not uncommon for him to want to take an afternoon off and hang out at camp, or sleep in and rest up after a hard day. He doesn't get mad at me for taking off without him. He has no problem saying "I can't make it to the top of that mountain, you go on without me and I will hunt down low." Sometimes I go without him, sometimes I bite the bullet and hunt in a less ideal spot so I can spend time with him. We only have so many years together.
Took a flatlander backpacking for whitetail. Had a good time and killed a deer. He tried to repay the favor after deer season with inviting me to his family farm to shoot geese with lead buckshot out of season. Said we can pile them high, no limit. What led him to believe that was my style...? Told him plainly how I felt about that proposition and have not been hunting together since.

Buddy who works with him has since heard him bragging about his mountain hunting abilities and name dropping my area. Flatlanders, right?
I have the best hunting partner in @elkmtngear anyone could hope for. I wont post anything negative about past hunting partners. But nowadays things are much better! Hopefully its a mutual thing. lol
These are my biggest 5:

Poor - Cant afford to hunt.
Poor firearm safety.
Poor hunting ethics.
Poor overall hunting abilities.
Poor Physical condition.

If you meet any 1 of these, we potentially still can be friends, and we may even fish together, but you wont be hunting with me any more.