I agree with this. To a well trained shooter, the difference between a brake and a suppressor will show. A good efficient side port brake does reduce recoil more than a suppressor. When shooting a rifle, a really competent shooter will more often shoot better with a brake. I can't tell the difference, but I am sensitive to the concussive blast so a suppressor is really the way I shoot best. My lizard brain reflex is stronger than some, not as strong as others...I have seen no evidence that a suppressor makes a rifle more accurate. In fact, I shoot most accurately with a good side port brake. The recoil pulse with a suppressor is a longer, softer push than a normal barrel but not as reduced as a good muzzle brake IMO.
I still do prefer to hunt suppressed so I don't have to carry hearing protection and remember to wear it. As stated above, the animals don't react as much. You also get fewer "cock watchers" coming to check you out since they can't hear your shot echoing down the canyon.
In competitions like PRS and NRL hunter, brakes are what the winners use because they more effectively help them spot their shots and watch their trace. If suppressors were better, then they would be used. But, the overall benefits of a brake give the edge to winners for several reasons. They are not your normal shooters or situation though. They literally shoot several thousand rounds a year and buy multiple barrels every year to burn out. Also, all they really need to hear is "shooter ready" and "beep".
For hunting, I'd bet most of them use a suppressor.