All of them. Pre ‘64’s, Post 64’s, New Havens, and new ones. Multiple EW’s. The actions bind more and do not feed as smoothly. CRF is more susceptible to failures with ice than a T3 (actual testing), the trigger in all of them is more susceptible to ice (actual testing), the stocks look “better” but are no more functional, and in some ways less so than factory T3x’s. Scope mounting on an integral rail is better than screws, DBM’s done right are more reliable than any internal mag and are better in sand/ice/snow.
I really like M70’s and they are by far the best “American” action or rifle made and if I needed or wanted a normal hunting rifle or “custom” on a true magnum action they would be it. However they do fall short compared to a Tikka, Sauer, Blaser, etc. with regards to function in adverse conditions. Whether those reliability differences matter or not is entirely up to the person.