Why is Seek Outside giving gun control advocate Ryan Busse air time?

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This reminds me of when Orvis went PRO ABORTION!! I had just bought a 1k dollar rod and 600 dollar reel 2 weeks earlier, and took that sucker back as quick as I could. It wasnt even that they said they are pro choice, they put out a statement saying they would PAY for employees and immediate family to travel and have abortions! Absolutely disgusting.
I'm listening now, just FYI this podcast is over a year old. First couple of minutes were a disclaimer that the SO crew hasn't read the book.

Busse already sounds like a tool though. We'll see.
bout to throw it on at 1.5x and see whats up.
I'm about halfway through. I'm struggling to finish it. But there are a few things I'm noticing. First, this guy seems completely incapable of finishing a single thought without including some sort of passive aggressive insult about conservatives. He claims to be a former conservative, but then repeats the same nonsense over and over. He says that the gun industry is totalitarian and that we're all trolls. But if he were an honest and/or objective person, he would have to admit that's just the state of politics today. The CEO of CNN said a while back that most of the misinformed vitriol comes from the left. I tend to agree, but that's my personal opinion. He also makes a claim that the gun industry used to self censor out of decency and not because of the previous AWB ban. But I can recall reading my grandfather's gun magazines from the 80's and thinking to myself holy cow, you used to be able to buy this stuff? Why isn't it in current gun magazines? I was too young to understand the legal landscape had changed, but I digress. His point is incorrect. The gun industry hadn't always self censored as he suggests. I'll eventually finish this thing, but from what I can tell, you can get all you need to know about this guy and his opinions from his Twitter page. He's a card carrying member of the blue anon cult. He's just as spiteful, petty, and small minded as he thinks the people on the opposite side of the spectrum are. I would like to read his book, but I'm sure as heck not ever going to pay for it. I'm sure it's every bit as ridiculous as anything else I've ever seen him say. I will say, we agree on one point. The NRA isn't helping anything. I've cancelled my membership. The firearms policy coalition is a much better organization.

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36 minutes into the 2nd episode with him, and hes a little cry baby who hates anyone who likes trump or thinks the 2nd amendment is absolute.
I'm about halfway through. I'm struggling to finish it. But there are a few things I'm noticing. First, this guy seems completely incapable of finishing a single thought without including some sort of passive aggressive insult about conservatives. He claims to be a former conservative, but then repeats the same nonsense over and over. He says that the gun industry is totalitarian and that we're all trolls. But if he were an honest and/or objective person, he would have to admit that's just the state of politics today. The CEO of CNN said a while back that most of the misinformed vitriol comes from the left. I tend to agree, but that's my personal opinion. He also makes a claim that the gun industry used to self censor out of decency and not because of the previous AWB ban. But I can recall reading my grandfather's gun magazines from the 80's and thinking to myself holy cow, you used to be able to buy this stuff? Why isn't it in current gun magazines? I was too young to understand the legal landscape had changed, but I digress. His point is incorrect. The gun industry hadn't always self censored as he suggests. I'll eventually finish this thing, but from what I can tell, you can get all you need to know about this guy and his opinions from his Twitter page. He's a card carrying member of the blue anon cult. He's just as spiteful, petty, and small minded as he thinks the people on the opposite side of the spectrum are. I would like to read his book, but I'm sure as heck not ever going to pay for it. I'm sure it's every bit as ridiculous as anything else I've ever seen him say. I will say, we agree on one point. The NRA isn't helping anything. I've cancelled my membership. The firearms policy coalition is a much better organization.

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Did the guys from SO give any pushback or was it more or less just Busse spew his BS and push his book unopposed?
Now the seek outside guys are talking trash on the gun industry for "skirting the law" with products like "bump stocks, short barreled shot guns, braces and all kinds of things to avoid the class 3 laws and nfa... it just seems like theres a concerted effort to push the envelope as much as possible".
Yep, had to give the kids a bath so turned it back on. I'm done. Not going to finish this garbage. SO employees talking about our "radicalized gun culture" and they got to the topic of capitalism, not in a positive way. No need to listen further. Seek outside won't get another penny from me. Everyone is free to do as they wish of course, but if we vote with our money I won't be voting for Seek Outside ever again and I'll be sure the folks I know hear about this so they can make informed decisions as well. Disappointed, but not completely surprised given some other things I've heard on that podcast in the past.

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