Why is Seek Outside giving gun control advocate Ryan Busse air time?

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I think if you stand for not giving air time to folks who disagree with you then you're part of the problem. Best way to defend your point of view and way of life is to have a open discussion about it with the opposition.

If you can't have/ don't want/ or avoid a discussion with your opposition then all that shows is that you're too scared or too weak to defend your stance. If you think you're right then what are you afraid of? Best way to win is by playing the game, not by avoiding it.

Granted I haven't heard the podcast, this is just a response to the "don't let them speak" attitude, especially when it comes to anti-gun, anti-hunting people.
If you have a conversation with someone who has opposing views does that make everyone you know question what your views are?

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I don't think so, no. But that's because folks I know know what my views are.

If someone who didn't know me saw me having dinner with Andrew Tate they'd probably make some assumptions. I think that's a fairly common thing to do. How much do we hear about who Trump had dinner with or who Biden was pictured with. The circles you keep, and all that.
I guess it sounds like anything less than ardent support for the 2nd Amendment would be unacceptable for a business courting our market?
EDIT: I listened to it and was disgusted. It’s pretty bad. Nothing good was on that podcast.

Just so I'm clear.
Y'all are upset and concerned because Seek Outside had a guest that DIDNT MAKE AN ECHO CHAMBER?
Isnt it respectful to listen to someone elses beliefs without berating them?

Or they just ran out of guest ideas that week.

Heck I don't know. I didn't listen to that podcast or any other podcast but I would give Seek Outside plenty of leeway since they have shown they ARE friends here.
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I think if you stand for not giving air time to folks who disagree with you then you're part of the problem. Best way to defend your point of view and way of life is to have a open discussion about it with the opposition.

If you can't have/ don't want/ or avoid a discussion with your opposition then all that shows is that you're too scared or too weak to defend your stance. If you think you're right then what are you afraid of? Best way to win is by playing the game, not by avoiding it.

Granted I haven't heard the podcast, this is just a response to the "don't let them speak" attitude, especially when it comes to anti-gun, anti-hunting people.
Again are they giving him air time to push his book and his views or are they having a healthy debate about the merits of gun control?

I’m completely ok with it if it was the latter. If it’s the former then it’s probably not a company I want to give any business too if I can help it. I bet many here feel the same.

I’ll stand for the right for both Busse and SO to do any of the above, but I also stand by my right not to give them business if they are trying to push something I ardently disagree with.
Just so I'm clear.
Y'all are upset and concerned because Seek Outside had a guest that DIDNT MAKE AN ECHO CHAMBER?
Isnt it respectful to listen to someone elses beliefs without berating them?

Or they just ran out of guest ideas that week.

Heck I don't know. I didn't listen to that podcast or any other podcast but I would give Seek Outside plenty of leeway since they have shown they ARE friends here.
Only a fool would give some fascist who wants to eliminate a constitutionally protected right, a platform.

There is no debate. No compromise. No discussion. Support and defend the Constitution, pretty simple.
Wow, I just checked out his twitter. What a grade A assclown. Giffords advisor, freelancer for the atlantic and guardian (aka leftist trash) and warrior for progress (aka woke toolbox).

I'll reserve judgement until I listen to the podcast, but if the SO crew doesn't call this guy out for the trash ideology he is peddling then I'll be very disappointed. Not going to burn my tent in protest or anything but I'll certainly shop elsewhere in the future.
Actually listening to the podcast does not seem to be a prerequisite to passing judgement in this thread.
Where did I pass judgement? I am disappointed that they gave this d bag a platform but I'm not canceling them. Simply stated what I hope to hear from them.

I'm downloading it now. Not that my opinion matters, but I'll add my thoughts after I listen.
So no amendments then? Oh wait.
1st. They weren't really amended in the form you're implying (a change or alteratation) they were technically additions, modeled after the English bill of rights. And no, they haven't been amended in their 230+ years of existence. Nice try...

The Consitution governs structure of government mainly, the Bill of Rights was added to ensure the rights of the people. So you would be incorrect to assume they "amended" as in altered those rights....they simply codified those rights.
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