Why is Seek Outside giving gun control advocate Ryan Busse air time?

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Nov 26, 2018
Should run for office. That was 8 paragraphs of saying nothing of substance and committing to nothing. It was awesome.
I respect the fact he responded.

I would’ve respected it more if he would’ve just owned it.

It’s out there, there is no walking it back. Locking down the facebook and twitter at this point is pointless and cowardly.

He’s certainly entitled to his opinion. If those are his views, those are his views. Nobody agrees 100% on everything. Using his platform to push an agenda much of his customer base would be opposed to was what crossed the line in my mind.

But all of this is his decision and his alone.


Jun 22, 2015
I'd like to be the first to call out your cowardice response. You're Twitter account didn't give one iota of a hint that you were politically positioned "in the middle". You attacked one side and promoted the other side in 100% of your tweets and likes. It was nowhere remotely near apolitical and you don't get to come on here and whine about division after seeing some of the stuff you posted.

You're the white guy living in your lilly white little bubble who never misses a chance to let the world know how progressive you think you are. Flexing your superior intellect by mocking a large part of your customer base. It was all good laughs for awhile until it wasn't huh?

May as well just delete thar wall of words you just wrote and retype "I am a coward" because you didn't say anything. Have some balls and stand by your principals man. The Twitter stuff wasn't some error in judgment, it was consistent over a period of time.
Spot on !!!


Oct 28, 2015
I'd like to be the first to call out your cowardice response. You're Twitter account didn't give one iota of a hint that you were politically positioned "in the middle". You attacked one side and promoted the other side in 100% of your tweets and likes. It was nowhere remotely near apolitical and you don't get to come on here and whine about division after seeing some of the stuff you posted.

You're the white guy living in your lilly white little bubble who never misses a chance to let the world know how progressive you think you are. Flexing your superior intellect by mocking a large part of your customer base. It was all good laughs for awhile until it wasn't huh?

May as well just delete thar wall of words you just wrote and retype "I am a coward" because you didn't say anything. Have some balls and stand by your principals man. The Twitter stuff wasn't some error in judgment, it was consistent over a period of time.
Nailed it.

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Feb 29, 2012
East Wenatchee, WA
I think Gutshotem and BuckeyeRifleman both captured my thoughts regarding the response from @Kevin_t. He said a lot but didn't really say anything of any substance and definitely didn't take ownership of what we all now know he has stated previously. I agree with what others have said, you are entitled to your opinion and are free to state it out loud, but you then have to live with the results of that statement. I would have way more respect for Kevin if he had owned it and said something to the effect of ..........

"Yep, I said this publicly and shouldn't have. I failed to take into consideration my position as the face of my company and didn't think about the repercussions of my statement and what effect it might have by alienating some of my customer base."

If Kevin had made a statement like that, I would be much more forgiving, despite the fact that he and I don't see eye to eye on what is arguably the most important Amendment (freedom) we have. The thing about apologies is you have to voice them first, before you're called out. Apologizing after the fact just makes you look like someone who got caught and is trying to do some damage control.


Dec 18, 2016
Montana —-> AZ
In Kevin‘s defense, I can see how somebody can categorize themselves as down the middle, yet appear to be one-sided or another. I think I am the same but opposite. I am fairly down the middle, and there is plenty on the conservative side that I take issue with. However, if you were to look at any social media posts I have made regarding politics it would be nearly 100% slanted toward being negative to liberal/leftist ideas. That is because I find them more offensive, and more of an actual threat to the things I value.

However, I think the Trump crowd is turning into a cult. I don’t care if gay people get married. I think Montanas republican legislature is horrible for hunters. I think drugs should be legalized. I think that immigration and abortion are more complicated than simply none under any circumstance (while still completely disagreeing with the lefts views on both.)
I think a lot of other things contrary to conservative group think. I just don’t post about them and I don’t own an outdoor industry business so nobody would give a shit if I did.


Dec 20, 2020
Myself, and Seek in general have always been naturally curious. Being naturally curious leads us to experiment with fabrics and designs. This natural curiosity means we are open to discussing, learning, and deciding if it is useful to us.

In 2021, we recorded our second podcast with Ryan Busse, because we were curious about what he had to say. The first pod, he was a VP at Kimber and I had known him for several years when he had been a VP at Kimber. We understood he had written a book that many might find negative to the gun industry. That sounds interesting, why the shift? Maybe hunters want to hear why the shift ? We clearly stated we had not read the book, and by doing a podcast it did not mean agreement or approval. We couldn’t really push back, because we had not read the book. I am fine to have discussions with people I disagree with. Disagreements can help us learn and evolve, concrete our viewpoints, or challenge them. I am the type of person who can have a conversation with someone I disagree with, perhaps I come to value their viewpoint, or understand it, even if I disagree. I also think that our podcast is meant to be more exploratory rather than a place for a debate.

As an example, we have also done a podcast with the North American Non-Lead Partnership. It was about knowledge and learning but we didn’t go on a crusade to ban lead. No one has tried to cancel us because of the podcast. It was about learning, and what we can better be done from his perspective.

That being said, I find questioning our support to the hunting community a bit misguided. We donate often to small archery clubs, small hunting clubs, LE, and many small groups, not including large donations BHA, Wild Sheep, Trout Unlimited, Sportsman for the Boundary waters, TWS, TRCP, the Arctic National Refuge, Pheasants Forever ….and generally, these aren’t small donations.

I also find interesting parallels in some of the comments expressed here, from hunters, and those from other customer segments. I am aware that some Rec. people try to dismiss us as a hunting brand, and some hunters try to dismiss us as a rec brand. We do support some rec groups like American Packrafting Association but in any recreational setting, we still unequivocally support public land fair chase hunting. It’s not like we change who we are when communicating to groups. We just want to be who we are and understand there is market overlap.

There is also no political litmus test to work at Seek. I know we have some people, that are fairly conservative, and likely some that are not. I literally do not care. The only real litmus test is you have to be hunting-friendly, pro outdoors, show up for work, and do a good job. We have taught and mentored several of our employees who enjoyed the outdoors in non-hunting ways on how to hunt. We don’t force them to hunt by any means but if they want to learn we are happy to help and have directly added to our hunter population.

Overall, I feel this division and cancellation culture has gotten out of hand. Every topic or debate should allow for more nuanced opinions. I personally am an avid hunter, but I don’t want to do every type of hunting just to hunt. I like big wild places, and the experience, so I’m unlikely to be hunting over a feeder. However, I also don’t try to take away any type of hunting, some types just aren’t my gig and don’t align with what I want to experience. Likewise, when it comes to guns, you can be pro-ownership but want less gun-related crime. On this specific topic, I don't have any answers but my nature is to learn the perspectives of those who think that they do. Discussion can be more nuanced. Opinions can be more nuanced

Regarding Twitter, I have been meaning to distance myself from almost all forms of social. I even communicated that to Robby at the Western Hunting Expo (saying I was far less involved with RS as well .. until today) I mostly used twitter for football. I also have been an occasional agitator for fun … a little bit of both sides. So it feels fair, I am not a fan of the far left either. However, I have followed from both sides ..to see what is said. You could probably cherry pick things followed on both sides if you wanted. Last night, I had removed twitter from my phone (not because of this thread, but to get away from social.. at that time I had no idea of this thread) .. so today, I saw posts, screenshots in this thread, so I deactivated it period. After all football season ended last week and that was my main reason on twitter. Just to be clear, I am not a fan of Trump, though I actually mostly followed the Republican debates in 2016 and wasn’t a fan of Hillary either. I’m fairly in the middle. I like to get outside, I like to hunt. I like talking adventures with people. I like big wild places.
If Seek makes quality products at a reasonable price I’ll buy them
Jan 1, 2021
Myself, and Seek in general have always been naturally curious. Being naturally curious leads us to experiment with fabrics and designs. This natural curiosity means we are open to discussing, learning, and deciding if it is useful to us.

In 2021, we recorded our second podcast with Ryan Busse, because we were curious about what he had to say. The first pod, he was a VP at Kimber and I had known him for several years when he had been a VP at Kimber. We understood he had written a book that many might find negative to the gun industry. That sounds interesting, why the shift? Maybe hunters want to hear why the shift ? We clearly stated we had not read the book, and by doing a podcast it did not mean agreement or approval. We couldn’t really push back, because we had not read the book. I am fine to have discussions with people I disagree with. Disagreements can help us learn and evolve, concrete our viewpoints, or challenge them. I am the type of person who can have a conversation with someone I disagree with, perhaps I come to value their viewpoint, or understand it, even if I disagree. I also think that our podcast is meant to be more exploratory rather than a place for a debate.

As an example, we have also done a podcast with the North American Non-Lead Partnership. It was about knowledge and learning but we didn’t go on a crusade to ban lead. No one has tried to cancel us because of the podcast. It was about learning, and what we can better be done from his perspective.

That being said, I find questioning our support to the hunting community a bit misguided. We donate often to small archery clubs, small hunting clubs, LE, and many small groups, not including large donations BHA, Wild Sheep, Trout Unlimited, Sportsman for the Boundary waters, TWS, TRCP, the Arctic National Refuge, Pheasants Forever ….and generally, these aren’t small donations.

I also find interesting parallels in some of the comments expressed here, from hunters, and those from other customer segments. I am aware that some Rec. people try to dismiss us as a hunting brand, and some hunters try to dismiss us as a rec brand. We do support some rec groups like American Packrafting Association but in any recreational setting, we still unequivocally support public land fair chase hunting. It’s not like we change who we are when communicating to groups. We just want to be who we are and understand there is market overlap.

There is also no political litmus test to work at Seek. I know we have some people, that are fairly conservative, and likely some that are not. I literally do not care. The only real litmus test is you have to be hunting-friendly, pro outdoors, show up for work, and do a good job. We have taught and mentored several of our employees who enjoyed the outdoors in non-hunting ways on how to hunt. We don’t force them to hunt by any means but if they want to learn we are happy to help and have directly added to our hunter population.

Overall, I feel this division and cancellation culture has gotten out of hand. Every topic or debate should allow for more nuanced opinions. I personally am an avid hunter, but I don’t want to do every type of hunting just to hunt. I like big wild places, and the experience, so I’m unlikely to be hunting over a feeder. However, I also don’t try to take away any type of hunting, some types just aren’t my gig and don’t align with what I want to experience. Likewise, when it comes to guns, you can be pro-ownership but want less gun-related crime. On this specific topic, I don't have any answers but my nature is to learn the perspectives of those who think that they do. Discussion can be more nuanced. Opinions can be more nuanced

Regarding Twitter, I have been meaning to distance myself from almost all forms of social. I even communicated that to Robby at the Western Hunting Expo (saying I was far less involved with RS as well .. until today) I mostly used twitter for football. I also have been an occasional agitator for fun … a little bit of both sides. So it feels fair, I am not a fan of the far left either. However, I have followed from both sides ..to see what is said. You could probably cherry pick things followed on both sides if you wanted. Last night, I had removed twitter from my phone (not because of this thread, but to get away from social.. at that time I had no idea of this thread) .. so today, I saw posts, screenshots in this thread, so I deactivated it period. After all football season ended last week and that was my main reason on twitter. Just to be clear, I am not a fan of Trump, though I actually mostly followed the Republican debates in 2016 and wasn’t a fan of Hillary either. I’m fairly in the middle. I like to get outside, I like to hunt. I like talking adventures with people. I like big wild places.
Hold on, lets check those facts. Busse left Kimber in August of 2020, he was first on your podcast on October 13, 2021, episode 63. He started advising the Biden campaign in summer 2020 and joined Giffords in a paid position in June of 2021.

Lets look at your North American Non-Lead Partnership example. They specifically state in their documents:

Therefore, we declare that it is our goal to work collaboratively to minimize the unintended impacts of lead ammunition on wildlife and support the continued contributions of legal hunting to wildlife conservation by:
  • Design and promote voluntary measures to increase the use of non-lead ammunition
  • Supporting the continued long-term viability of scientifically managed hunting and the associated conservation culture by providing programs that encourage sports-men and -women participation in conservation actions
  • Supporting continued efforts to conduct scientific research into the relative risk associated with specific lead exposure pathways between use of lead ammunition and wildlife
  • Use scientific evaluation to assess and improve programs
The big difference is that they'd like to see voluntary migration toward lead free hunting. Giffords and Biden have both repeatedly parroted gun ban talking points, there is no surprise here. You knew before Busse was on in '21 exactly what he stands for, any other position you take is disingenuous. Your response is full of fluff and no substance, thankfully, deleting your social media tells us all we need to know. Well that, and your own words on your own podcast, don't pee on our collective legs and tell us it's raining.


Oct 13, 2021
Estero, FL
In Kevin‘s defense, I can see how somebody can categorize themselves as down the middle, yet appear to be one-sided or another. I think I am the same but opposite. I am fairly down the middle, and there is plenty on the conservative side that I take issue with. However, if you were to look at any social media posts I have made regarding politics it would be nearly 100% slanted toward being negative to liberal/leftist ideas. That is because I find them more offensive, and more of an actual threat to the things I value.

However, I think the Trump crowd is turning into a cult. I don’t care if gay people get married. I think Montanas republican legislature is horrible for hunters. I think drugs should be legalized. I think that immigration and abortion are more complicated than simply none under any circumstance (while still completely disagreeing with the lefts views on both.)
I think a lot of other things contrary to conservative group think. I just don’t post about them and I don’t own an outdoor industry business so nobody would give a shit if I did.

Donald Trump was publicly pro gay marriage before Barack Obama and Hillary just a FYI. Eesh.


Feb 24, 2016
Grand Jct, CO
I appreciate the fact you showed up and stated your case Kevin, but you have not really answered any of our questions.
As a business that had been held in high regard by many here, I say you should own your ideals. You supported left causes, fine. I support many right.

If you truly believe in your Twitter likes and posts, stand by them. Don’t be a politician. I can respect that. If you want to ride the fence and try to pretend to be on both sides, no respect is due.
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