Why is Seek Outside giving gun control advocate Ryan Busse air time?

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He's a hunter but a different hunter than what we'd think of as a traditional hunter. I call them lefty hunters, a long time friend has turned into one. He says "Ban every single gun and start over adding back only what you need to hunt" "No one needs weapons of war". Yes that's his and his echo chambers stance now.

BTW it looks as if he (Kevin Timm/kevintimm16) nuked his Twitter account?
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I’d be curious of a couple things…

1. Is there anything Kevin could say to make you feel comfortable supporting SO?

2. If he isn’t a fervent supporter of all aspects of the 2A is there a way in which you’d still support SO?

3. If given the chance to ask Kevin a question, what would it be?
He might respond, but I can’t see what good it would do for him or SO to extend this more. I think some are set in their views moving forward and others will refrain from commenting to avoid the fray.
I’d be curious of a couple things…

1. Is there anything Kevin could say to make you feel comfortable supporting SO?

2. If he isn’t a fervent supporter of all aspects of the 2A is there a way in which you’d still support SO?

3. If given the chance to ask Kevin a question, what would it be?
1. Yes. People can change as well as their opinions. Actions speak louder than words.
2. No. Death by a thousand cuts. Slipper slope, pick your argument.
3. Kevin, do you truly feel that way (anti 2A, against ARs, etc) about guns? Either way, why did you delete your social media and associated past? Why hide it? Own it either way.
3b. What is democratic about socialism? Democratic socialist? Really??
He's a hunter but a different hunter than what we'd think of as a traditional hunter. I call them lefty hunters, a long time friend has turned into one. He says "Ban every single gun and start over adding back only what you need to hunt" "No one needs weapons of war". Yes that's his and his echo chambers stance now.

BTW it looks as if he (Kevin Timm/kevintimm16) nuked his Twitter account?
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I hope he didn’t delete his twitter account that would look really bad.
He's a hunter but a different hunter than what we'd think of as a traditional hunter. I call them lefty hunters, a long time friend has turned into one. He says "Ban every single gun and start over adding back only what you need to hunt" "No one needs weapons of war". Yes that's his and his echo chambers stance now.

BTW it looks as if he (Kevin Timm/kevintimm16) nuked his Twitter account?
View attachment 519019

Funny - if he has nuked his account it's kind of like Ben Shapiro's "face tattoo" phenomenon - that is when someone gets a gnarly face tattoo clearly for the attention, then when someone says "That face tattoo is stupid looking," the face tattoo guy gets mad and says "Who asked you?!?! you're a bigot!"

Same here... go on a public forum, insult a large % of your paying customers, then disappear when they notice.
I get the we need to have discourse for progress, but what is the progress in the realm of 2A? One side is trying to hold on while the other side hacks it to bits and pieces.

That is honestly the issue with classical liberal vs progressive mindsets. One side is for freedom and liberty and individuality the other wants total compliance and gov control, at a certain point discourse is pretty moot. I think we are in the place we are today because one side has been more polite and tolerant and it’s not the side that “claims” tolerance.

Absolutely… I don’t want to be a hard liner or dwell in conspiracy too much but all these little things matter. Used to think the wolf reintroduction in Co was whatever, but when you know what is at the root of it all, aka getting rid of hunters and then another excuse to rid the country of privately owned firearms, I am super opposed. The anti’s have been playing chess while we argue with each other about checkers. We better dig in and prepare to fight for what we currently have or a couple decades from now hindsight might be all we have to remember, just some food for thought

I think more are coming to the realization.
Granolas crunches and mountaineering spend money hunters never dreamed

Not on gear, they don’t. I’ve spent 10X the money on hunting than I ever did for climbing and most climbers I knew were darn near broke.

It flew under the radar. Simple as that.

It's out of the bag now, doesn’t matter when it was said, and a lot of people here aren't going to forget it. I think the blowback is just ramping up.

Like I said, guys who don't take the time to care (or appreciate their freedom) will be our undoing. Don't be one of them.

The pandemic really demonstrated that contrary to the left’s assurances, they will show absolutely no compassion when they get a hand on your throat. Combined with their now undeniable rejection of rationality, logic, and morality, it’s a terrifying combination.

Any idea what Durston’s stance is? I would be willing to bet it’s the same.

If Durston has the gall to invite a guest on that wants to slander my views and priorities in life, they’ll lose me as a customer too. Until then, I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt even though they are probably just as progressive as SO.

I can pretend, for the sake of a symbiotic relationship, if everyone else is willing to do so too. But to come out and broadcast it like that is plain insulting and 10x worse.
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I have not read every post on this thread, but I can assure anyone who thinks Kevin hates hunters has not met him.

When I talked to him at expo two weeks ago, he just got back from a weeklong bird hunt. And yes, he took a gun.

He’s a long time advertiser on this site and has gone out of his way to connect with members on here. Not sure if he’s going to chime in on this thread but I want to make sure he doesn’t get painted as “hating hunters”.
I don't know that anyone came came out and said he hates hunters.

After scrolling through his Twitter posts and "likes" I'm comfortable saying that he hates one political party. That's about 50% of the country, and I'd wager much more than 50% of his customer base.
1. Yes. People can change as well as their opinions. Actions speak louder than words.
2. No. Death by a thousand cuts. Slipper slope, pick your argument.
3. Kevin, do you truly feel that way (anti 2A, against ARs, etc) about guns? Either way, why did you delete your social media and associated past? Why hide it? Own it either way.
3b. What is democratic about socialism? Democratic socialist? Really??
Ok devils advocate here. So we wanted him to keep politics out of it but now we want him to profess 100% allegiance?

Is it ok if he wants to stay neutral? What if he gave a pro 2A guest the same format that he gave Busse?

That way it’s “even” and he’s not picking sides?
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He's a hunter but a different hunter than what we'd think of as a traditional hunter. I call them lefty hunters, a long time friend has turned into one. He says "Ban every single gun and start over adding back only what you need to hunt" "No one needs weapons of war". Yes that's his and his echo chambers stance now.

BTW it looks as if he (Kevin Timm/kevintimm16) nuked his Twitter account?
View attachment 519019
I know a guy like that too. Ultra liberal but likes to deer hunt. He is constantly on fscebook talking about gun control and banning handguns as well as “assault” weapons and saying BS like “there’s no reason anybody needs more than 3 rounds” and crap like that.
Robby - Kevin’s own behavior and posts don’t reflect what you are saying here. I hope you are right, buts lots and lots of evidence to the contrary. He may be a hunter on the surface but he comes across as anti 2A. I would love to hear Kevin defend himself.
I dont have any SM accounts like FB or Instagram and dont listen to podcasts. Robby said that Kevin does not hate hunters. You said Kevins behavior and posts dont reflect that. I am curious what Kevin has posted or done that reflect a hatred towards hunters?
I dont have any SM accounts like FB or Instagram and dont listen to podcasts. Robby said that Kevin does not hate hunters. You said Kevins behavior and posts dont reflect that. I am curious what Kevin has posted or done that reflect a hatred towards hunters?
I think a lot of guys are starting to make leaps that aren’t there yet. Do we know he hates hunter? Do we know he hates guns? Do we know he hates AR-15s?
I know a guy like that too. Ultra liberal but likes to deer hunt. He is constantly on fscebook talking about gun control and banning handguns as well as “assault” weapons and saying BS like “there’s no reason anybody needs more than 3 rounds” and crap like that.
That probably describes the majority of current hunters, not quite that extreme, but I think people might be miss reading the demographics of hunters. Didn’t we go through the same with Black Rifle Coffee recently?
I think a lot of guys are starting to make leaps that aren’t there yet. Do we know he hates hunter? Do we know he hates guns? Do we know he hates AR-15s?
Go back and look at the screenshots I posted on page 10.

I only scrolled a few weeks back into his account, he had thousands of posts and likes in his profile.
So principled, so brave to speak out about all of the wrongs of our flawed society. That is until your phony bravery puts your bank account at risk.

What a joke. Hes on here reading the thread and deleting his Twitter account. Way up on that soapbox talking all that stuff, then delete your profile and hide. What happened to the big brave Twitter hero?
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